embeds 属性


返回 IHTMLElementCollection 集合对象,该对象代表当前文档中所有的 EMBED 元素。EMBED 元素允许您在文档中嵌入任何类型的文档。


expression  必选。返回 DispFPHTMLDocument 对象的表达式。


下列示例返回 EMBEDS 集合,并显示文档中嵌入元素的数量。如果没有元素,则向用户显示一条消息。

Sub EmbedsInfo()
'Returns and displays information about
'the EMBEDS elements in the current document.

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objDoc As DispFPHTMLDocument
    Dim objEmbeds As IHTMLElementCollection

    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objDoc = objApp.ActiveDocument
    Set objEmbeds = objDoc.embeds

    'If there are EMBED elements
    If objEmbeds.Length <> 0 Then
        'If the length = 1
        If objEmbeds.Length = 1 Then
            MsgBox "There is only one " _
                    "embedded object in the current document."
            'If there are more than one
            MsgBox "There are " & objEmbeds.Length - 1 & _
                   " embedded objects in the current document."
        End If

       'Otherwise there are no embeds elements
       MsgBox "There are no embedded objects " _
               "in the current document."

    End If

End Sub