forms 属性


返回 IHTMLElementCollection 集合对象,该对象代表当前文档中所有表单的集合。


expression  必选。返回 DispFPFPHTMLDocument 对象的表达式。




下列示例返回当前文档中所有表单的集合。该子例程在集合中搜索名为 Project Name 的表单。如果找到该表单,则向用户显示其名称和索引值。

Sub ReturnForms()
'Returns the collection of forms in the document

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objDoc As DispFPHTMLDocument
    Dim objForms As IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim objForm As IHTMLFormElement
    Dim intCount As Integer

    intCount = 0
    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objDoc = objApp.ActiveDocument
    'Create a reference to the forms collection
    Set objForms = objDoc.forms

    For Each objForm In objForms
        'If form is the project name form
        If objForm.Name = "Project Name Form" Then
            'Display name and position
            MsgBox "The form " & objForm.Name & " was found." & _
                   " It is positioned number " & intCount _
                   & " in the collection."
        End If
    'If not found, keep looking
    intCount = intCount + 1
    Next objForm

End Sub