BeforeItemCut 事件



Private Sub explorer_BeforeItemCut(Cancel As Boolean)

explorer  该表达式返回一个 Explorer 对象。

Cancel  可选。当事件发生时为 False。如果事件过程将该参数设置为 True,则不完成该操作,并且不删除项目。



Private Sub objExplorer_BeforeItemCut(Cancel As Boolean)
'prompts the user before cutting an item

   Dim lngAns As Long 'user answer
   'Display question to user
   lngAns = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to cut the item?", vbYesNo)
   'Set cancel argument based on answer
   If lngAns = vbYes Then
       Cancel = False
   ElseIf lngAns = vbNo Then
       Cancel = True
   End If

End Sub