Reliable Software - Version Control System, Windows Tutorials, Freeware Reliable Software Site

Reliable Software

What's new?

Revolutionizing software quality standards.

About Reliable Software.

Why do we put up with low quality software? Because the software industry led us to believe that it's normal and even inevitable that programs will occasionally hang your computer, that systems will become unstable and applications will GP-fault. If you don't save your work regularly and a printer driver kills your word processor-- you lose a document and it's nobody's fault but yours. Computer savvy gurus will laugh at you-- the lowly user-- for being so careless. They will explain that the unbelievable complexity of modern software is far beyond your understanding. That an operating system is more complicated than a space shuttle. And just as your car breaks down from time to time, so will your software...
Manifesto People

Version 3.0 has RELEASED! DOWNLOAD it now

Our Product Version Control System Code Co-op.

You can't call yourself a programmer if you don't have a compiler. That's obvious! But what's the next tool you have to have if you're serious about programming?

A Version Control System! Code Co-op is a full-faeatured, easy to use, affordable VCS that does not require a server. Since there is no server to configure, Code Co-op is the easiest VCS to install and run. It can work over a local network, but it can also use e-mail or even diskettes to synchronize your projects.

Learn more about Code Co-op, browse the tutorial and download the program (31-day free trial period). Then buy the license. Programmers all over the world are already using it for their day-to-day development.

Windows without MFC!.

NEW: Experimental subscription service.

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C++ Windows Tutorials

  1. The Simplest Windows Program
  2. The Generic Win32 Program
  3. Windows Controls
  4. Dialog Box Application
  5. Dialog Boxes
  6. Device Context
  7. Pens and Brushes
  8. Threads and Active Objects
  9. File Watcher
  10. COM and Shell
  11. OLE's fatal flaw
  12. Smart OLE
  13. OLE Automation
  14. Splitter
  15. Bitmaps
  16. DirectDraw

Programming Techniques.

Subscribe to the tutorials.
Browse the tutorials off-line.
Why is MFC (and other Windows class libraries) harmful to programmers? It turns out that API programming can be easy once you know a basic set of object oriented tricks. Model, View, Controller, Canvas, Pens, Brushes, Active Objects, etc.... Find out more.
About OLE.

Did you know that OLE had a fatal flaw from its very conception? The architects of OLE learned about it years ago, but didn't fix it because they thought that "there was too much existing code." Got your attention? Find out more.

You are free to use our code samples in your programs, commercial or otherwise.

C++ Book

NEW! Exericise solutions.

On-Line Book: C++ in Action

Knowledge should be free. We make sure that all kids have free access to elementary education. Why? Because as a society we realize that this is the best way to invest our money. In the 21st century the Internet (or one of its successors) will become the ultimate repository of human knowledge. And it will be free for everybody!

Let this web book that teaches programming, from the level of a C++ tutorial up to the level of a large-scale software project management, be the one to start this new trend. By the way, the book will also appear in paper form, to be published by Addison, Wesley and Longman under the title "C++ in Action--Industrial-Strength Programming Techniques" in May 2001.

Check out our own Good Programming Practices page.


New: understanding mip maps.

Game and Graphics Programming.

Game programmers may find something interesting in our advanced essays on select topics in graphics programming. We start by a discussion of aliasing in texture mapping.


New: Completely reorganized, with source code

The Official Resource Management Page.

Losing memory? Dropping objects? Leaking resources? Resource Management is a new methodology that is a C++ response to Java's garbage collection without the overhead. You can start using it today.


Be one of us. Telecommuting programmers.

World Wide Programmers' Web.

Have computer, will telecommute. Would you like to work with other programmers like you? Visit the World Wide Programmer' Web and become a WW Programmer. It's that simple, in this Internet Village of ours!

Have a great product idea? Start your own virtual company. It's easy. Send e-mail to a few WW Programmers and convince them to work with you on a cool project. If you have questions, ask us--we have some experience in this area.


Look Ma! No MFC!
Over 600 downloads every day!

Download Free Software Here.

For Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT

The game of Sea Battle is just an exercise in Windows32 programming and a welcome diversion while compiling large projects. We used to play this game at school. You'd position your ships on a 10 by 10 grid. Your opponent would do the same. Then you'd start exchanging shots: "B-5," "missed!" "E-1," "hit!" until one of you would lose all the ships to enemy fire, or until the math teacher would notice. Now you can play the same game against the computer (just make sure your boss doesn't catch you). The size of the program is only 200k (most of it bitmaps and sound effects) due to the absence of MFC in its diet.

Developer's Notepad.

For programmers using Microsoft Developer Studio™ 97 (e.g., VC++). A notepad that lets you jot down notes and insert hot links to source code.

Double-click on a link and Microsoft Developer Studio™ 97 opens the source file and positions the cursor at the exact spot you linked it to. Send these notes to your co-workers. It's great for making notes while browsing through source code. You can outline the changes you want to make, code-review somebody else's sources, write notes to yourself while you're developing.

Download free Developer's Notepad (<200k). Comes with HTML help.


Zip: only 32k!

Complete Source in C++

Whistle a melody and watch this program graph the pitch in real time. The Frequency Analyzer technically speaking performs a Fast Fourier Transform of the sound (you need a sound card and a microphone to use this program). What it means is that it analyzes your voice and splits it into its component frequencies. Watch patterns of speech, the harmonics of vowels and the noise of sibilants. The size of the program is only 64k! (zipped 32k) Can you believe that?! There are web pages that make you download more than that just to be able to look at them.

You can also learn more about the Frequency Analyzer and download the C++ code that performs the FFT. By popular demand we are also including a C++ tutorial on how to sample sound in Win32. Finally, we caved in to the demands to publish the complete source code (26 KB zipped).


HTML tutorial
Ray tracing: Java and C++ source code.
New: Physics simulation.

Java Page. HTML tutorial.

Whether you program in Java or not, we hope you'll find something interesting in our official (a bit gaudy) Java page. For instance, the Java and C++ source code for a simple Ray Tracer. Compare the performace of interpreted Java, compiled Java and compiled C++ for the same program.

Have a look at our beginners' HTML tutorial.

Reliable Software

PMB 206
1011 Boren Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
fax: 206-367-6085
Reliable Software We will not have any ads here. We want to keep this site plain and simple. For those interested, we have a page with links to some sites of interest. We do our own graphics and layouts. We decided to remove the counter to speed up loading (besides, it wasn't reliable!). For the curious, we get 50,000 user sessions (1/4 million page hits) per month. We are rated among the 25,000 most popular web sites in the world. That's not bad, considering that we cater to a very specific audience.

Reliable Software Send e-mail to Reliable Software if you think we are doing the right thing. See some of the mail we are getting (lots of MFC bashing). Tell your friends about us or post a link to our site on your homepage. Feel free to use any of the banners presented in this box for a hot link. (Hint: copy one of the html tags below and paste it in your page). Our site is also accessible through two other domains, whose names might be easier to remember:

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