To join the ranks of WW Programmers fill out a simple form. You'll rate your skills and list particular programming interests. You'll be able to contact other WW Programmers and they'll be able to reach you.
Before you join, make it a point to send e-mail to at least one other WW Programmer. Tell him or her what you're interested in. They are waiting for you. If you have a good idea for a program, you might be able to convince others to join you in a world-wide collaboration. If you want to learn a new skill, find somebody else who'll learn it with you.
It is so much easier to work on a product when you have a team. Even having just one collaborator provides enough incentive to continue working until successful completion. How often do you start a good project and lose patience half way through? How often do you have ideas that you know would work, but don't have enough time or patience to implement them in software?
Join the World Wide Programmers' Web and share your ideas with others. Join-in on existing projects or start your own. Send e-mail to other WW Programmers directly from our web site. Learn skills and gather experiences. Whether you are a seasoned guru or just a beginner, you'll be able to find something that will stimulate your mind.