Hack 78. Create a Passwordless Login 
Forget about those passwords and make
administering a remote server easier.
By far, the most common method of remotely logging in to Linux
machines is by using the Secure SHell (SSH). This encrypted method of
accessing far-flung computers is a popular choice for system
administrators, but despite its popularity, repeatedly logging in and
out of computers and entering passwords over and over again can be a
chore. This chore is significantly increased when you manage a number
of different computers, all with different passwords.
This hack explores how to create a passwordless login. Although this
sounds like security suicide, it isn't because it
uses special encrypted keys to allow access to the remote computer.
You do this by generating both a public and a private key. The
public key (a key that you can give to
people) is uploaded to the remote server as an authorized key, and
when you connect to the remote server, the private key on your local
machine is compared to the public key. If they work together, access
is granted.
The other benefit of the passwordless login is that you can tie it
into your desktop environment and manage files on the remote machine
graphically. I discuss this later in this hack.
9.10.1. Generate Public and Private Keys
To create a passwordless login, you need to
generate your public and private keys. First, create a new directory
called sshkey in your home directory in which to
store the keys:
foo@local:~$ mkdir sshkey
foo@local:~$ cd sshkey
When you generate the keys, you have a choice of either the DSA or
RSA encryption algorithms, with RSA being the newer version in
Version 2 of the SSH protocol. You can generate the keys with:
foo@local:~$ ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -t rsa
When you run this command, you are asked for a password; press Enter
when prompted for the password. This creates two keys with a blank
password. One is called id_rsa (your private
key) and the other is id_rsa.pub (your public
9.10.2. Create the Login
With the keys generated, the next step is to upload the public key to
the remote server. If you have never dealt with SSH keys before, you
probably do not have a .ssh/authorized_keys file
on the remote server. If this is the case, you can simply copy the
id_rsa.pub to the remote server and call it
foo@local:~$ scp id_rsa.pub
If you have already created an authorized_keys
file on the remote server, you can simply log in to the remote
server, open authorized_keys in a text editor,
and paste the contents of id_rsa.pub on the
local machine into the file on a new line. This is how you add
multiple keys on the remote server.
Whichever method you use to get your public key on the remote server,
you must set the permissions on the files and directory correctly.
Simply issue the following commands:
foo@remote:~$ cd ~/.ssh
foo@remote:~$ chmod 700 ./
foo@remote:~$ chmod 600 *
These commands ensure that your .ssh directory
and files are secured. Finally, on the local machine, copy the
generated id_rsa file to the
.ssh in your home directory to make it the
default key for SSH:
foo@local:~$ cp id_rsa ~/.ssh
Now you can test to see that the connection works:
foo@local:~$ ssh foo@remote
You should be able to log in automatically with no password prompt.
9.10.3. Graphically Manage Remote Files
One of the benefits of creating a passwordless login is that
it makes graphical administration of a remote server much easier. Not
only does this give you the ability to connect to a remote resource
in your favorite file manager, but also you can put an icon on your
desktop that opens the specified directories and files of the remote
server when you click it. This gives you the ability to transfer
files by dragging and dropping.
You can display a remote file structure by clicking an icon on your
desktop in a number of ways, but this hack covers how to do it for
the two major desktop environments, KDE and GNOME.
To access a networked resource in KDE, add a new icon to the desktop
by right-clicking the desktop and selecting Create New Link
to Application. Inside the dialog box that pops up, click the
Application tab, and you'll see a Command box that
you can use to indicate the location of the remote server. This is
done with the format:
When you click the icon, Konqueror loads, and you can use it to deal
with the remote server graphically.
To connect to a networked resource in GNOME, click the main Computer
menu in the top panel, and then select Disks from the menu. When the
window appears that displays your disks and drives, click
File Connect to Server. Inside this dialog box you can
select an SSH connection from the Service Type combo box, and then
add the server name, port, folder, and username details. Finally, you
can name the icon by adding a label to the "Name to
use for connection" box. Now the icon will be added
to your desktop and will appear in the Network Servers window.