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Nicholas Petreley

I would like to thank God, above all, for anything that is excellent in my contributions to this book. I offer many thanks to David Brickner for his patience in giving advice and corrections during the editing process. Thanks as well to the entire O'Reilly production crew. Thanks to Kyle Rankin and Jonathan Oxer for their input during the review process. I would also like to thank my readers, contributors, and assistant web masters for their help, encouragement, and inspiration offered at my web site, Thanks also to the encouragement of my readers in other publications and to the many wonderful people I've met (either for the first time or for the first time face-to-face) at LinuxWorld Expo and other various conferences. Thanks to my heroes Tim O'Reilly, Bob Young, Jon "Maddog" Hall, Linus Torvalds, Alan Cox, Hans Reiser, Con Kolivas, Richard Stallman, and the many more sung and unsung heroes of the Linux and open source worlds. I thank my family for patiently allowing me to sleep through quality time we would have spent together after I stayed up all night so that I could have more consecutive hours of quiet time to focus on the book. I offer many thanks to Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, and the talented folks in Redmond whose ongoing work in the areas of security, quality assurance, and product licensing continues to contribute greatly to the increasingly rapid adoption of Linux on the desktop. Finally, any errors or anything lacking in excellence among my contributions to this book I credit entirely to myself.

Jono Bacon

I would like to thank all of my family and friends for helping make my contribution to this book possible. Everyone has been incredibly supportive throughout the long tech edits, ramblings on the phone, endless proofreads, and unashamed plugging of the book when it was completed. I would also like to thank the various groups I am involved with and their encouragement in my work. This includes Wolves LUG, LUGRadio, OpenAdvantage, the Infopoint Project, and the many friends I have met at conferences and in my daily work. Finally, I would like to thank the readers of my work in Linux Format, Linux User & Developer, Linux Magazine, the O'Reilly Network, and the other publications I write for.

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