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\s metacharacter 
\S metacharacter 
s pattern modifier 
    externally supplied filenames 
    externally supplied form input 
    form data  2nd 
SAP DB/MaxDB PHP extension 
Schneier, Bruce  2nd 
Schwartz, Alan  2nd 
scope of variables 
screen scraping 
SELECT command 
    using wildcards with 
<select> menu
    printing with for( ) 
    printing with while( ) 
semicolon (;), ending PHP programs 
sequences and unique integer IDs 
server-side languages 
SERVER_NAME element in $_SERVER auto-global array 
    PHP and 
    sending error messages to error logs  2nd 
    useful variables for 
session IDs 
session.auto_start configuration directive  2nd  3rd 
session.gc_maxlifetime configuration directive  2nd 
session.gc_probability configuration directive  2nd 
session_start( ) 
    required to be at top of page 
    storing session data 
    idle times of, changing  2nd 
    login and user identification 
    printing session data 
    retrieving information 
    saving form data in 
    storing data 
setcookie( ) 
    cookie domain, setting 
    expiration time for cookies, setting  2nd 
    required to be at top of page 
    setting paths for 
    starting a page with 
setErrorHandling( )  2nd 
setFetchMode( )  2nd 
shell_exec( ) 
Shiflett, Chris 
Shockwave/Flash in PHP programs 
short open tags 
short_open_tag configuration directive 
show_calendar( ) 
show_form( )  2nd 
    <select> menu, displaying 
    displaying calendars 
    displaying error messages  2nd 
    saving form data in a session 
SimpleXML module 
simplexml_load_file( ) 
simplexml_load_string( )  2nd 
single quotes
    defining text strings 
    escaping  2nd  3rd 
Sklar, David  2nd 
SMTP configuration directive 
SOAP and Web Services in PHP 
Solid PHP extension 
sort( ) 
sorting arrays 
Spafford, Gene  2nd 
special characters
    in double-quoted strings 
    escaping in SQL queries 
splitting up strings 
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer package 
sprintf( ) 
    wildcards in 
SQL in a Nutshell  2nd 
SQL injection attacks  2nd 
sqlite (db_program option) 
SQLite database 
    PHP extension for 
start tags (<?php)  2nd  3rd  4th 
static methods 
storing session data 
str_replace( )  2nd 
strcasecmp( )  2nd 
strcmp( ) 
strftime( ) 
    format characters for 
    vs. date( ) 
strict notices from PHP interpreter 
string concatenation
    . (period) operator  2nd 
    truth values and 
string-keyed arrays, retrieving rows as 
    comparing  2nd 
    comparing numbers and 
    comparing with strcmp( ) 
    creating, from arrays 
    defining in PHP 
    manipulating case of 
    putting variables inside 
    truncating with substr( ) 
    turning into arrays 
strip_tags( )
    preventing cross-site scripting attacks 
strlen( ) 
    checking required elements in forms 
strpos( ) 
strtolower( ) 
strtotime( ) 
    making epoch timestamps with 
    number ranges in forms 
    process_form( ) and 
strtoupper( ) 
strtr( )  2nd 
strval( ) 
_submit_check element  2nd 
substr( )  2nd 
sybase (db_program option) 
Sybase PHP extension 
syntax highlighting 

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