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Specifying Criteria for a Single Field

For each field you include in a query, you can specify criteria that a record must match to be selected when you run the query. For example, you can create a query to retrieve toys of a certain type, such as infant toys, from a toys database. You do this by entering a criterion's value in the Query Design window. Access allows you to add multiple criteria values for a single field so that the query retrieves records that meet either (or both) of the criteria you specify.

Specify Criteria for a Single Field in a Query


Display the query in Design view.


Click the field's Criteria box.


Enter a criterion value for the field.


If additional values of the field are allowed, enter them into the Or box listed below the Criteria box.


Click the Run button on the Query Design toolbar.


Did You Know?

You can specify text to search for in your selection criteria. When the criterion is a text value, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. Access inserts quotation marks after you type the value and press Tab or Enter.

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