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Entering Criteria to Match More Than One Field



After you've displayed the query for which you want to enter criteria in Design view, click the cell in the Criteria row for the first field you want to match (here, Artist).


Type the first criterion (in this example, O'Hara).


Click in the second field you want to match (here, Price) and type your second criterion—in this example, >50 (to find all pieces by the artist that cost more than $50).


In addition to running a query to match one or more values in a single field, you can also create a query that requires a match in more than one field. For example, you might run a query to return a list of products by a particular artist within a certain price range, as shown here.



Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar in the main Access window to save the query design.


Click the Run button to run the query.


Access runs the query and displays a table containing only those records that match the criteria you entered (here, all products by artist O'Hara with a price more than $50).


Click the Close button to close the query window.


AND Queries

This type of query is sometimes called an AND query because the data in the selected table must match both the first criteria and the second criteria to be included in the results.



For the criteria, you can type a value to match or build an expression using operators (>, <, =, and so on).

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