Assign Information to a Tagged Value

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Once the Tagged Value has been assigned to a model feature, it is possible to add information and notes describing the Tagged Value to the information property of the Tagged Value (model features that you can apply Tagged Values to are detailed in the Model Elements and features with Tagged Values topic). To facilitate this from the Tagged Values window follow the steps below:

1.Click on the View | Tagged Values menu option, or press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[6]. The Tagged Values window displays.
2.Click on the model feature for which to edit the Tagged Values. The Tagged Values for the selected model feature display.
3.Click on the Tagged Value to add information to.
4.Click on the Edit Notes button or press [Ctrl]+[E]. The Tagged Value Note dialog displays.
5.In the Note field, type the information relating to the Tagged Value. This information is displayed in the lower portion of the Tagged Values dockable window whenever the  Tagged Valueis selected.