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MOF diagrams are Class diagrams that are contained in packages with a metamodel stereotype. To create a MOF diagram, follow the steps below.

1.Create a package to contain your MOF elements.
2.Right-click on the package in the Project Browser window. The context menu displays.
3.Select the Package Properties menu option. The Package dialog displays, defaulting to the General tab.
4.In the Stereotype field click on the drop-down arrow and select metamodel.
5.Right-click on the package in the Project Browser window and, from the context menu, select  New Diagram. Create a Class diagram (the default diagram).
6.Give your MOF Class diagram a name.
7.In the Enterprise Architect UML Toolbox, select the More tools | UML | Metamodel menu option and add the required Metamodel elements to the diagram.

The following is an example of a MOF diagram. A MOF diagram can typically contain Package, Class, Enumeration and Primitive elements, and Generalization, Association, Compose and Aggregate relationships.


See Also