OCL Conformance (Element, Relationship, Feature)

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This group validates an item against any defined constraints in the Object Constraint Language (OCL). OCL is used to describe expressions on UML models, and to express side-effect free constraints. You can add OCL constraints to any element, relationship or attribute in Enterprise Architect.

Error ID




OCL violation: <<violated OCL>>

The element violates the OCL constraint specified.


OCL violation: <<violated OCL>>

The relationship violates the OCL constraint specified.


OCL violation: <<violated OCL>>

The attribute violates the OCL constraint specified.

Defining OCL Constraints for an Element

You can add OCL constraints to an element using the Properties dialog (Element | Properties). Select the Constraints tab, click on the Type drop-down arrow and select OCL.


Important: To have a valid OCL constraint, the syntax must be correctly formed. If the expression is not correct, Enterprise Architect displays a message stating that the OCL constraint is not valid.

To perform an OCL Validation, display the Model Validation Configuration dialog and select the Element: (OCL) Conformance checkbox. Any OCL violations are recorded in the Model Validation Output window.

Defining OCL Constraints for a Relationship

You can add OCL constraints to a Relationship using the Properties dialog (Element | Properties). Select the Constraints tab, click on the Type drop-down arrow and select OCL.


Important: To have a valid OCL constraint, the syntax must be correctly formed. If the expression is not correct, Enterprise Architect displays a message stating that the OCL constraint is not valid.

To perform an OCL Validation, display the Model Validation Configuration dialog and select the Relationship: (OCL) Conformance checkbox. Any OCL violations are recorded in the Model Validation Output window.

Defining OCL Constraints for a Feature (Attribute)

You can add OCL constraints to a Feature using the Properties dialog (Element | Properties). Select the Constraints tab, click on the Type drop-down arrow and select OCL.


Important: To have a valid OCL constraint, the syntax must be correctly formed. If the expression is not correct, Enterprise Architect displays a message stating that the OCL constraint is not valid.

To perform an OCL Validation, display the Model Validation Configuration dialog and select the Feature: (OCL) Conformance checkbox. Any OCL violations are recorded in the Model Validation Output window.

See Also