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2.3 Class Coupling and Cohesion

A number of heuristics deal with coupling and cohesion between/within classes. We strive for tight cohesion within classes and loose coupling between classes. This runs parallel to heuristics in the action-oriented paradigm which attempt to achieve the same goals with functions. Tight cohesion in a function implies that all the code making up the function is closely related. Loose coupling between functions implies that when one function wishes to use another, it should always enter and exit the function from one point. This leads to action-oriented heuristics such as, "A function should be structured such that it has only a single return statement."

In the object-oriented paradigm, we mirror the goals of loose coupling and tight cohesion at the class level. There are five basic forms of coupling between classes: nil coupling, export coupling, overt coupling, covert coupling, and surreptitious coupling. Nil coupling is the best, as it implies two classes that have absolutely no dependency on one another. You may eliminate one of the classes without affecting the other class. Of course, it is not possible to have a meaningful application built with only nil coupling. The best we can produce with only nil coupling is a class library, a collection of stand-alone classes that have nothing to do with one another. Export coupling states that one class is dependent on the public interface of another class, that is, it uses one or more published operations of another class. Overt coupling occurs when one class uses the implementation details of another class with permission. A good example of overt coupling can be found in the "friend" mechanism in C++. A C++ class X can grant friendship to another class Y, thereby granting the methods of class Y access to the private implementation details of class X. Covert coupling is the same as overt coupling except no permission is granted to the class Y. If we invent a language that allows a class Y to state, "I am a friend of class X and will take access to its private implementation," then the classes X and Y are covertly coupled. The last form of coupling, surreptitious coupling, states that a class X knows the internal details of class Y through some means. If a class X uses a public data member of class Y, then X is said to be surreptitiously coupled to class Y. This is the most dangerous form of coupling because it creates a strong implicit dependency between the behavior of Y and the implementation of X.

Heuristic 2.7

Classes should only exhibit nil or export coupling with other classes, that is, a class should only use operations in the public interface of another class or have nothing to do with that class.

All other forms of coupling allow a class to give away implementation details to other classes, thereby creating implied dependencies between the implementations of the two classes. These implied dependencies always cause future maintenance problems when one of the classes wishes to change its implementation.

Class cohesion strives to ensure that all of the elements of a class are strongly related. A number of heuristics apply to this property.

Heuristic 2.8

A class should capture one and only one key abstraction.

A key abstraction is defined as a main entity within a domain model. Key abstractions often show up as nouns within requirements specifications. Each key abstraction should map to only one class. If it maps to more than one class, then the designer is probably capturing each function as a class. If more than one key abstraction maps to the same class, then the designer is probably creating a centralized system. These classes are often called vague classes and need to be split into two or more classes that capture one abstraction each. In Chapter 3 we will explore these two degenerate designs in more detail.

Heuristic 2.9

Keep related data and behavior in one place.

A violation of this heuristic will cause a developer to program by convention. That is, to accomplish some atomic system requirement, he or she will need to affect the state of the system in two or more areas. The two areas are actually of the same key abstraction and therefore should have been captured in the same class. The designer should watch for objects that dig data out of other objects via some "get" operation. That type of activity implies that this heuristic is being violated. Consider a user of a stove class trying to preheat an oven for cooking. The user should only send the stove an are_you_preheated?() message. The oven can test if the actual temperature has reached the desired temperature, along with any other constraints concerning the preheating of ovens. A user who decides if the oven is preheated by asking the oven for its actual temperature, its desired temperature, the status of its gas valve, the status of its pilot light, etc., is violating this heuristic. The oven owns the information of temperature and gas cooking apparatus; it should decide if the object is preheated. It is important to note the need for "get" methods (e.g., get_actualtemp(), get_desiredtemp(), get_valvestatus(), etc.) in order to implement the incorrect preheat method.

Heuristic 2.10

Spin off nonrelated information into another class (i.e., noncommunicating behavior).

The developer should look for classes with a subset of methods that operate on a proper subset of the data members. The extreme case is a class where half of the methods work on one half of the data members and the other half of the methods work on the other half of the data members (see Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6. A class with noncommunicating behavior.


For a more real-world example, consider a dictionary class. For small dictionaries the best implementation is a property list (a list of words and their definitions), but for larger dictionaries a hash table is better (i.e., faster). Both dictionary implementations require the ability to add and find words. A design of a dictionary class that exhibits noncommunicating behavior is shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7. Noncommunicating behavior (real-world example)


This solution assumes that the users of the dictionary class will have knowledge of how large the dictionary is going to be; they are required to make the decision between hash table and linked list implementations. In general, displaying implementation details in the class name and allowing users to make such decisions are bad ideas. A better solution to this problem is shown in Chapter 5 since it requires the inheritance relationship. In that solution a single dictionary class hides its representation as an internal detail. The dictionary class decides to change its representation when the size of the dictionary reaches a predetermined threshold.

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