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9.4 Memory Management Issues in an Object-Oriented Application

Another interesting physical design area is that of memory management. There are two categories of languages when viewed from the method used to handle dynamic memory. There are those languages, like Lisp and SmallTalk, that support garbage collection. These systems periodically walk through memory, checking which used memory is no longer referenced by the resident applications. These pieces of memory are swept up for reuse on the environment's heap. The advantage of garbage collection is that application programmers do not have to worry about the allocation and deallocation of dynamic memory. The system does all the work for them. The disadvantage is that garbage collection reduces efficiency. Some systems arbitrarily suspend execution and perform their garbage collection for several seconds to several minutes, not the ideal for real-time systems. Others use some form of incremental garbage collection wherein the execution time slows down uniformly over the execution of an application without uncomfortable suspensions of execution. There is an added performance penalty in that access to an object is often indirect. Actual object addresses cannot be given to the user since the object may be physically moved during garbage collection.

The other language category includes nongarbage-collecting languages like C++. User programmers are given actual physical addresses of objects on the heap. For this reason, these languages cannot offer garbage collection since they cannot update all user-copied values of the physical addresses when garbage collecting. Any garbage-collection algorithms must be implemented by individual application programmers and usually employ the notion of memory handles to store the physical addresses in a memory location and give the address of that location to the users. This provides an extra level of indirection so that the garbage-collection algorithm is free to change the physical addresses so long as the indirect memory locations do not relocate. The advantage of these languages is the increased performance. The disadvantage is the increased chance of memory leakage and/or heap corruption in an application. Memory leakage occurs when a software developer allocates memory and forgets to free it. Users of C++ are especially prone to this error because C++ offers several default operations that cause memory leakage when not explicitly defined under certain, very common, conditions. The gory details of memory leakage in C++ are beyond the scope of a text on object-oriented design. However, due to its prevalence and the large numbers of C++ programmers, in Appendix B I have provided a paper that discusses these details. It is highly recommended that C++ programmers read the paper to familiarize themselves with the eight places that memory leakage occurs in C++ applications.

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