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Fitting the UML into a Process

When they look at graphical modeling languages, people usually think of them in the context of a waterfall process. A waterfall process usually has documents that act as the handoffs between analysis, design, and coding phases. Graphical models can often form a major part of these documents. Indeed, many of the structured methods from the 1970s and 1980s talk a lot about analysis and design models like this.

Whether or not you use a waterfall approach, you still do the activities of analysis, design, coding, and testing. You can run an iterative project with 1-week iterations, with each week a miniwaterfall.

Using the UML doesn't necessarily imply developing documents or feeding a complex CASE tool. Many people draw UML diagrams on whiteboards only during a meeting to help communicate their ideas.

Requirements Analysis

The activity of requirements analysis involves trying to figure out what the users and customers of a software effort want the system to do. A number of UML techniques can come in handy here:

  • Use cases, which describe how people interact with the system.

  • A class diagram drawn from the conceptual perspective, which can be a good way of building up a rigorous vocabulary of the domain.

  • An activity diagram, which can show the work flow of the organization, showing how software and human activities interact. An activity diagram can show the context for use cases and also the details of how a complicated use case works.

  • A state diagram, which can be useful if a concept has an interesting life cycle, with various states and events that change that state.

When working in requirements analysis, remember that the most important thing is communication with your users and customers. Usually, they are not software people and will be unfamiliar with the UML or any other technique. Even so, I've had success using these techniques with nontechnical people. To do this, remember that it's important to keep the notation to a minimum. Don't introduce anything that specific to the software implementation.

Be prepared to break the rules of the UML at any time if it helps you communicate better. The biggest risk with using the UML in analysis is that you draw diagrams that the domain experts don't fully understand. A diagram that isn't understood by the people who know the domain is worse than useless; all it does is breed a false sense of confidence for the development team.


When you are doing design, you can get more technical with your diagrams. You can use more notation and be more precise about your notation. Some useful techniques are

  • Class diagrams from a software perspective. These show the classes in the software and how they interrelate.

  • Sequence diagrams for common scenarios. A valuable approach is to pick the most important and interesting scenarios from the use cases and use CRC cards or sequence diagrams to figure out what happens in the software.

  • Package diagrams to show the large-scale organization of the software.

  • State diagrams for classes with complex life histories.

  • Deployment diagrams to show the physical layout of the software.

Many of these same techniques can be used to document software once it's been written. This may help people find their way around the software if they have to work on it and are not familiar with the code.

With a waterfall life cycle, you would do these diagrams and activities as part of the phases. The end-of-phase documents usually include the appropriate UML diagrams for that activity. A waterfall style usually implies that the UML is used as a blueprint.

In an iterative style, the UML diagrams can be used in either a blueprint or a sketch style. With a blueprint, the analysis diagrams will usually be built in the iteration prior to the one that builds the functionality. Each iteration doesn't start from scratch; rather, it modifies the existing body of documents, highlighting the changes in the new iteration.

Blueprint designs are usually done early in the iteration and may be done in pieces for different bits of functionality that are targeted for the iteration. Again, iteration implies making changes to an existing model rather than building a new model each time.

Using the UML in sketch mode implies a more fluid process. One approach is to spend a couple of days at the beginning of an iteration, sketching out the design for that iteration. You can also do short design sessions at any point during the iteration, setting up a quick meeting for half an hour whenever a developer starts to tackle a nontrivial function.

With a blueprint, you expect the code implementation to follow the diagrams. A change from the blueprint is a deviation that needs review from the designers who did the blueprint. A sketch is usually treated more as a first cut at the design; if, during coding, people find that the sketch isn't exactly right, they should feel free to change the design. The implementors have to use their judgment as to whether the change needs a wider discussion to understand the full ramifications.

One of my concerns with blueprints is my own observation that it's very hard to get them right, even for a good designer. I often find that my own designs do not survive contact with coding intact. I still find UML sketches useful, but I don't find that they can be treated as absolutes.

In both modes, it makes sense to explore a number of design alternatives. It's usually best to explore alternatives in sketch mode so that you can quickly generate and change the alternatives. Once you pick a design to run with, you can either use that sketch or detail it into a blueprint.


Once you have built the software, you can use the UML to help document what you have done. For this, I find UML diagrams useful for getting an overall understanding of a system. In doing this, however, I should stress that I do not believe in producing detailed diagrams of the whole system. To quote Ward Cunningham [Cunningham]:

Carefully selected and well-written memos can easily substitute for traditional comprehensive design documentation. The latter rarely shines except in isolated spots. Elevate those spots . . . and forget about the rest. (p. 384)

I believe that detailed documentation should be generated from the code條ike, for instance, JavaDoc. You should write additional documentation to highlight important concepts. Think of these as comprising a first step for the reader before he or she goes into the code-based details. I like to structure these as prose documents, short enough to read over a cup of coffee, using UML diagrams to help illustrate the discussion. I prefer the diagrams as sketches that highlight the most important parts of the system. Obviously, the writer of the document needs to decide what is important and what isn't, but the writer is much better equipped than the reader to do that.

A package diagram makes a good logical road map of the system. This diagram helps me understand the logical pieces of the system and see the dependencies and keep them under control. A deployment diagram (see Chapter 8), which shows the high-level physical picture, may also prove useful at this stage.

Within each package, I like to see a class diagram. I don't show every operation on every class. I show only the important features that help me understand what is in there. This class diagram acts as a graphical table of contents.

The class diagram should be supported by a handful of interaction diagrams that show the most important interactions in the system. Again, selectivity is important here; remember that, in this kind of document, comprehensiveness is the enemy of comprehensibility.

If a class has complex life-cycle behavior, I draw a state machine diagram (see Chapter 10) to describe it. I do this only if the behavior is sufficiently complex, which I find doesn't happen often.

I'll often include some important code, written in a literate program style. If a particularly complex algorithm is involved, I'll consider using an activity diagram (see Chapter 11) but only if it gives me more understanding than the code alone.

If I find concepts that are coming up repeatedly, I use patterns (page 27) to capture the basic ideas.

One of the most important things to document is the design alternatives you didn't take and why you didn't do them. That's often the most forgotten but most useful piece of external documentation you can provide.

Understanding Legacy Code

The UML can help you figure out a gnarly bunch of unfamiliar code in a couple of ways. Building a sketch of key facts can act as a graphical note-taking mechanism that helps you capture important information as you learn about it. Sketches of key classes in a package and their key interactions can help clarify what's going on.

With modern tools, you can generate detailed diagrams for key parts of a system. Don't use these tools to generate big paper reports; instead, use them to drill into key areas as you are exploring the code itself. A particularly nice capability is that of generating a sequence diagram to see how multiple objects collaborate in handling a complex method.

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