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Chapter 14


  1. True. A process may contain multiple AppDomains.

  2. True. An AppDomain may contain multiple assemblies.

  3. True. An AppDomain may contain .dll and .exe files.

  4. True. An AppDomain can be unloaded from a process.


Three activation modes: client activation, server activation (single call), and server activation (singleton). HTTP or TCP can be used with all.


Single call server activation creates a new object on each call; single call singleton creates an object on the first call only. The object is then used for other calls.


CurrentLeaseTime桝mount of time until object is available for Garbage Collection.

InitialLeaseTime桰nitial lifetime of a lease.

RenewalOnCallTime桝mount that CurrentLeaseTime is increased on called object.


Set the LeaseManagerPoolTime in a configuration file to specify how frequently the lease manager checks for expirations.


Client-activated and server-activated singleton use leases.


c. A server-activated singleton object is created when the first call is made to the host object.


Channel registration indicates the type of protocol to be used梪sually TCP or HTTP梚n the remoting and the port number to be used. Type registration specifies the available remote object and the activation mode type.


An interface or SoapSuds is used to prevent having to place a full assembly on the remoting client's machine. The assembly provides metadata, but can also expose proprietary code. An interface provides only the metadata a client requires. SoapSuds extracts the metadata and places it in a file that is deployed on the client's machine.

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