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Making Your Application Available to Everyone

This section deals with two subjects that are more often than not either just glossed over or ignored completely: localization and accessibility.

Localization and internationalization are the processes of preparing your program to run in different cultures using multiple languages. This subject is big enough for a whole book, but I just provide you with the basics here.


If you think you will run your program in another country, I suggest you read my book Internationalization and Localization Using Microsoft .NET (Apress, 2002). In it, I cover localization from soup to nuts.

Most people think of localization as removing the text strings and replacing them with other languages' text strings. As you will see, there is far more to it than that.

Accessibility is another subject that gets short shrift in computer language books. I don't know why. Not to be too mercenary, but there is a big market for accessible programs. An example of an accessible program is a speech recognizer. Research has been going on for years to create one that really works.

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