Add an Element to a Diagram and Package

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You have several options for adding elements to the package and/or diagram. The simplest method is to use the Enterprise Architect UML Toolbox to the left of the diagram, which automatically lists the elements applicable to the type of diagram you have created. Just click on the required element and drag it onto your diagram.

Two things might occur before the element displays on the diagram:

·If you have selected an Object element, Enterprise Architect prompts you to define what stereotype the object is based on (an object can represent a wide range of things, and a stereotype helps you define what the object or element is); for now, select any value
·The element Properties dialog displays. If it does not display, double-click on the element on the diagram.

You can use the Properties dialog to define the characteristics of the element, such as its name. Type a name in the Name field, and click on the OK button. Look at the Project Browser window, underneath the package in which you created the diagram. The element is listed.

Note: Enterprise Architect has a very useful feature. To find out more about the type of element you have dragged on to a diagram, right-click on the element and select the UML Help menu option.  This displays a Help page on the element type.

Now connect the elements with relationships.

Additional Information

Click on the links for additional information on adding elements to a project including via the Quick Linker.