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Auditing is a model-level feature, available in the Corporate Edition, that enables you to record model changes in Enterprise Architect. By enabling this option, model administrators can view a range of information regarding changes, such as:

·Who changed an element
·How many elements they changed
·When they changed the data
·What the previous values were, and
·What type of elements they changed.

Note: Auditing does not record changes to RTF Templates, Model documents, Baselines or Profiles.

Warning: On a site running separate editions of Enterprise Architect, when Auditing is turned on for a model, any Desktop or Professional edition users are locked out of the model. To restore access, turn Auditing off in the model from a Corporate edition instance of Enterprise Architect.

Auditing Quickstart

To quickly enable auditing and see it in action, see Auditing Quickstart.

Audit Settings

Once auditing is enabled within a model, you have a variety of options available for customizing what is recorded by the audit. See Audit Settings for more information on the different settings available.

The Audit View

To view what has been recorded by the audit, use the Audit View, which provides an interface to everything recorded by auditing.

Audit History

Using Auditing, you can track changes to an element or connector over time. However, enabling Auditing also enables an Audit History tab in the Output window, which summarizes all changes made to the selected element or connector.

Performance Issues

By enabling auditing on a model, you increase the time taken for most actions. For most modeling tasks, this increase is insignificant. However, there are some instances where the difference is more substantial. See Performance Issues for more information.