Technology Developers

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Technology Developers are Enterprise Architect users who create customized additions to the functionality already present within Enterprise Architect. These additions include UML Profiles, UML Patterns, Code Templates, Tagged Value Types, MDG Technologies and Enterprise Architect Add-Ins. By creating these extensions the Technology Developer can customize the Enterprise Architect modeling process to specific tasks and speed up development.

The following illustration shows a customized view created using an Add-In.


UML Profiles

By creating UML Profiles the technology developer can create a customized extension for building UML models that are specific to a particular domain.  Profiles are stored as XML files and can be imported into any model as required.

UML Patterns

Patterns are sets of collaborating objects and classes that provide a generic template for repeatable solutions to modeling problems. As patterns are discovered in any new project, the basic pattern template can be created. Patterns can be re-used with the appropriate variable names modified for any future project.

Code Templates

Code Templates are used to customize the output of source code generated by Enterprise Architect. This enables the generation of code languages not specifically supported by Enterprise Architect and enables you to define the way Enterprise Architect generates source code to comply with your own company style guidelines.

Tagged Values

Tagged Values are used in Enterprise Architect to specify additional information about elements. They are used to extend the information relating to an element outside of the information directly supported by the UML language. Often Tagged Values are used during code generation process, or by other tools to pass on information that is used to operate on elements in particular ways.

MDG Technologies

MDG Technologies can be used to create a logical collection of resources that can contain UML Profiles, Patterns, Code Templates, Image files and Tagged Value types that can be accessed from a single point in the Resources window.

Enterprise Architect Add-Ins

Enterprise Architect Add-Ins enable you to build your own functionality into Enterprise Architect, creating your own mini programs that can extend the capabilities of Enterprise Architect, defining your own menus, and creating your own Custom Views.

The Enterprise Architect Software Development Kit

This User Guide gives a brief introduction to many of the features identified above, defining how they are used within Enterprise Architect. However, the Enterprise Architect Software Development Kit (SDK) explains in greater detail how to develop and integrate these facilities.