19.3 Find and Replace
You've probably encountered find-and-replace tools in word processing programs and
even some graphics programs. As the name implies, the command finds a piece of
text (Webmaster, for example) and then replaces it with something else (Webmistress).
Like Microsoft Word, Dreamweaver can search and replace text in the body of your
Web pages. But it also offers variations on this feature that enhance your ability to
work within the tag-based world of HTML.
What's more, Dreamweaver lets you find and replace text on every page of your Web
site, not just the current, open document. In addition, you can remove every appearance
of a particular HTML tag, or search and replace text that matches very specific
criteria. For example, you can find every instance of the word "Aardvark" that appears
within a center-aligned paragraph. These advanced find-and-replace options are some
of the most powerful梐nd under-appreciated梩ools in Dreamweaver's toolbox. If
you learn how to use them, you'll be able to make changes to your pages in a fraction
of the time it would take using other methods.
You can use Find and Replace to search an entire site's worth of files. This is powerful, but can also
be slow, especially if some folders hold files you don't want to search梠ld archives, for example. You can
use Dreamweaver MX's new cloaking feature to hide files from find-and-replace operations. See Section 15.8
for more detail.
19.3.1 Find and Replace Basics
To start a search, press Ctrl+F (-F), or choose EditFind and Replace. The Find
and Replace window opens (see Figure 19-4). Now all you have to do is fill in the
blanks and set up the search.
Whether you perform a simple text search or a complex tag-based search and replace,
the procedure for using the Find and Replace command is basically the same. First, you need to tell Dreamweaver where to search (in a file, a folder, or an entire Web
site). Next, tell it what to search for (text, HTML, or a particular tag with a specific
attribute). Finally, you can decide what to replace the item with. This last step is optional;
you can use the Find and Replace window as a way to locate an item on the
page, or in your site, without actually changing it to anything.
19.3.2 Basic Text and HTML Searches
Dreamweaver can either search all of the source code in a page or simply focus on text
that appears in the document window. You'll choose one of these in Phase 2 below.
A source code search lets you find and replace any character in the code of a page,
including words, letters, and symbols. This means anything you see in Code view
such as HTML, CSS, or server-side programming code used to create the dynamic
database-driven sites described in Part VI of this book. Text searches are more re.ned. They look only for text that appears within the
body of a page. That is, Dreamweaver ignores HTML tags, properties, and comments
when searching梚n short, it ignores anything that doesn't appear as actual
words in the document window. By using a text search when you want to change
the word "center" to "middle," for example, you won't accidentally alter the center
alignment option of a table cell?lt;td align="center">梑y setting the alignment
value of its HTML tag to "middle" (an invalid value that Web browsers would just
If you've used Find and Replace in other programs, this routine will seem familiar: Phase 1: Determine the scope of your search
Using the "Find in" menu (see Figure 19-5), choose any of these options:
Selected Text. Searches only the current selection of the Web page you're working
on. This can be useful if you're working in Code view and you want to search the
code in just a certain section of the page, such as the head of the document. It's
also great when you're writing your own server-side programs (like those described
in Part VI of this book) and you want to search only one part of the code.
Current Document. Searches the Web page you're working on. Open Documents. Searches all currently open Dreamweaver documents. This is
great if you're working on a bunch of pages at the same time and realize you've
made the same typo on each page. Folder. Search all Web pages in a particular folder. Dreamweaver also searches Web
pages in all folders within the selected folder. You can use this option to search
pages that aren't part of the current site. Selected Files in Site. To use this option, open the Site window and select files that
you want to search in the local file list. (See Section for details.) Entire Current Local Site. Searches every Web page in the current site folder,
including pages in folders inside the site folder. This option is invaluable when
some basic piece of information changes throughout your site. For instance, use
this when your boss's sex-change operation requires you to replace every instance
of "Mark Jones" with "Mary Jones" throughout your company's site.
Using the Find and Replace command is one of the best ways to quickly make changes to an
entire site, but it's also one of the easiest ways to wreck a site's worth of Web pages. Dreamweaver can't
undo changes made by the Find and Replace command to files that aren't open on your computer. So be
careful. If you plan on making extensive changes, make a backup copy of your files first!
| Phase 2: Specify what to search for
For your next trick, you'll tell Dreamweaver what you want to search for. Use the
Search pop-up menu to choose one of these two options:
Text. This makes Dreamweaver search for a certain word or phrase of text that
appears in the body of the documents you've specified. Type the text you want to find into the Search field. If you're searching for a pattern in your text, enter a
regular expression here and turn on "Use regular expression" (see the box in Section Source Code. Basic text searches are very useful, but they're limited to text that
appears in the body of the page (what you see in the document window). If you
want to search and replace code, you need the Source Code option. Source-code searches work identically to text searches. The only difference is that
Dreamweaver searches everything within the file梩ext, HTML, JavaScript, Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS), and so on梐nd replaces any part of the file. Using this
option, you could search for any instance of the tag <img src="mark_jones_photo.
jpg">, for example, and replace it with <img src="mary_jones_photo.jpg">. (If you're in Code view, Dreamweaver automatically selects the Source Code option.) As you fill in the Search field, be aware that some plain-English words are also
special words in HTML, JavaScript, or CSS. If you try to replace table with desk
using a source-code find and replace, you'll completely destroy any <table> tags
on the page. You can also enter a regular expression to search for patterns in your HTML source
code (see the box in Section Phase 3: Provide the replacement text
If you want to change the text that Dreamweaver finds, type the replacement text into
the Replace box. It may be the word or words you'd like to swap in (for a Text search),
or actual HTML code if you're performing a source-code search.
If you only want to find the text without replacing it, then skip this step.
If you want to find the specified text and replace it with nothing (that is, deleting every occurrence of
the text), leave the Replace field blank and perform a replace operation, described below.
| Phase 4: Choose the search settings
Dreamweaver gives you three options that govern its search and replace; some of
them are quite complex:
The Match Case option limits the Find command to text that exactly matches
the capitalization you used in the Search field. If you search for the text The End
with the Match Case box turned on, Dreamweaver will find a match in "The End
is near," but not "You're almost at the end." Use this trick to find every instance of
web and replace it with Web. Match Whole Word searches for an entire word梟ot a portion of a larger word.
For example, if you check this option, a search for Rob will match only "Rob," and
not any parts of "Robert," "robbery," or "problem." If you don't select this option,
Dreamweaver will stop on "rob" in all four instances, and could cause serious problems if you also replace "rob" with something else. (Note that if you selected
the Match Case option, Dreamweaver would match Rob in "Rob" and "Robert,"
but not in "robbery" and "problem," since they don't include a capital R.) The Ignore Whitespace Differences option treats multiple spaces, tabs, non-breaking
spaces, and carriage returns as a single space when searching. For instance, if you
search for the dog and turn on this option, Dreamweaver matches "the dog" as
well as "the dog"梕ven if the multiple spaces are actually the HTML non-breaking
space character (see Section This option is especially helpful when you're searching the source code of a page.
The HTML of a page can contain lots of extra spaces, line breaks, and tabs that
don't appear in a Web browser or in Dreamweaver's document window. For example,
in the HTML of a document, it's possible to have two lines of code that
look like this: <p>This sentence will appear on one
line in a Web browser</p> Even though this text would appear on a single line in the document window, a
search for "one line" without the Ignore Whitespace Differences would find no
match. The carriage return at the end of "one" is not an exact match for the space
character in "one line." In other words, it's best to keep this option turned on.
If you want to find the phone number 555-123-5473, no
problem; just type 555-123-5473 into the search field. But
what if you wanted to find any and every phone number
-555-987-0938, 555-102-8870, and so on-on a Web
page or in a site?
In such a case, you need to use regular expressions, the
geeky name for a delightfully flexible searching language,
carried over from early UNIX days, consisting of wildcard
characters that let you search for patterns of text instead of
actual letters or numbers. Each phone number above follows
a simple pattern: three numbers, a dash, three more
numbers, another dash, and four more numbers.
To search for a pattern, you use a variety of symbols combined
with regular text characters to tell Dreamweaver what
to find. For example, \d, in the world of regular expressions,
stands for "any number." To find three numbers in a row,
you could search for \d\d\d, which would find 555, 747,
007 and so on. There's even shorthand for this: \d{3}. The
number between the braces ({}) indicates how many times
in a row the preceding character must appear to match. To
finish up the example of the phone numbers, you could use
a regular expression like this: \d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}. The \d{3} finds three numbers, while the hyphen (-) following it is just
the hyphen in the phone number.
Here are some of the other symbols you'll encounter when
using regular expressions:
. (period) stands for any character, letter, number, space,
and so on.
\w stands for any letter or number.
* represents the preceding character zero or more times
(and is always used after another character). This is best
explained with an example: the regular expression colou*r,
for instance, matches both colour and color梩he * following
the u indicates that the u is optional (it can appear zero
times). This would also match colouuuuur (handy for those
times when you've fallen asleep at the keyboard).
To see a complete list of the regular expression characters
Dreamweaver understands, launch the Dreamweaver online
Help system (press F1) and search for the topic "Regular
Expressions." A full-length discussion of regular expressions
could梐nd does梖ill a book of its own: check out Mastering
Regular Expressions by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl.
Sometimes it's better to turn this feature off. For example, the Word Paste bug (see Section 2.2.2) sometimes
causes a space to be inserted before or after punctuation marks. So "McFarland, Dave" can sometimes end
up as "McFarland , Dave" when you paste it into Dreamweaver. You can search for instances like this梐 space
followed by a comma梐nd replace them with just a comma, but it won't work unless you've turned off the
Ignore Whitespace Differences option.
(As this book went to press, Macromedia was readying a patch that fixes a number of bugs, including this
one. To see if the patch is available, visit
The Use Regular Expression option is used for matching patterns in text. For a discussion of this advanced technique, see the box in Section Phase 5: Take action
Finally, you're ready to set the search in motion by clicking one of the four action
buttons in the Find and Replace window (see Figure 19-4):
Find Next locates the next instance of the search term. If you're searching the current
document, Dreamweaver highlights the matching text. If you're searching an
entire Web site or a folder of pages, Dreamweaver opens the file and highlights
the match. You can cycle through each instance of the search term by repeatedly
clicking this button. |
As in other programs (notably Microsoft Word), you can press Enter or Return to repeat the Find Next
function. If you've clicked into the document window梠r even closed the Find window梱ou can press F3
(-G) to repeat the Find Next function.
Find All locates every instance of the search terms, all at once, and shows them
to you in a list in the Search tab of the Results panel (Figure 19-6). The name
and location of each file (if multiple files are searched) appear to the left, and the
matched text appears to the right. Dreamweaver displays part of the sentence in
which the matched word or words appear. The exact match is underlined with a
squiggly red line, so that you can see the search in context and identify text you
may not want to replace. Unlike the Find Next action, Find All doesn't automatically open any of the Web
pages containing matches. Instead, to open a matched page, double-click its name
in the results list. Only then does Dreamweaver open the Web page and highlight
the match. Replace locates the next instance of the search term and replaces it with the text
in the Replace field, leaving the replaced text highlighted for your inspection. You can use this button in combination with Find Next to selectively replace text.
First, click Find Next. Dreamweaver locates and highlights the next match. If you
want to replace the text, click Replace. If not, click Find Next to search for the next
match, and repeat the cycle. This cautious approach lets you supervise the replacement
process and avoid making changes you didn't intend.
Replace All is the ultimate power tool. It finds every instance of the search term
and replaces it with the text entered in the Replace field. Coupled with the Find in
Entire Local Site option, you can quickly make sitewide changes (and mistakes梥o
back up all before you Replace All!). When you click this button, Dreamweaver warns that you can't undo this operation
on any closed files. You can erase mistakes you make with the Find and Replace in
open documents, by choosing EditUndo, but Dreamweaver permanently alters
closed files that you search and replace. So be careful! (On the other hand, changes
to open documents aren't permanent until you save those files.)
If you use the Find All or Replace All commands, the Find and Replace window closes,
and the results of the search appear in the Search tab (see Figure 19-6). To reopen
the Find and Replace window (with all of your previous search criteria still in place),
click the green arrow on the Search tab梒alled the Find and Replace button梠r
press Ctrl+F (-F).
19.3.3 Advanced Text Searches
If you want greater control over a text search, you can use the Find and Replace
command's advanced text search option, which lets you confine a search to text either
inside or outside of a specific tag.
For example, when Dreamweaver creates a new blank document, it sets the page's Title
property to Untitled. Unfortunately, if you forget to change it, a site can quickly fill up
with untitled Web pages. A basic text search won't identify this problem, because it
searches only the body of a page; titles appear in the head. And a source-code search
for Untitled would turn up the word "untitled" wherever it appeared in the page, not
just inside the <title> tag.
In cases like this, an advanced text search is your best choice. Simply set the Find and
Replace command to search for Untitled whenever it appears within the <title> tag.
To use the advanced text search, use the same general routine as described on the
previous pages. But before using one of the action buttons, you can make a few additional
setup changes to the dialog box: Limiting the search by tag
Choose Text (Advanced) from the Search pop-up menu to make the expanded, new
controls appear (see Figure 19-7).
Now, from the menu next to the + and - buttons, choose either Inside Tag or Not
Inside Tag. For example, consider this line of code: "Stupid is as <strong>stupid</
strong> does." The first instance of "stupid" isn't inside the <strong> tag, but the
second one is.
A more descriptive name for the first option would be "Enclosed By Tag"; Dreamweaver actually
searches for text that's between opening and closing tags. In fact, an advanced text search using this option
doesn't identify text that's literally inside a tag. For example, it won't find "aliens" in this line of code: <img
src="ufo.jpg" alt="Aliens live among us.">, but it would find "aliens" in this one: <strong>Aliens live among
us.</strong>. In the first example, aliens appears as part of the <img> tag, while in the second, aliens is
enclosed by the opening and closing <strong> tags.
Once you've specified whether you're looking for text inside or outside of tags, you
can choose a specific HTML tag from the Tag menu identified in Figure 19-7.
The menu lists all HTML tags梟ot just those with both an opening and closing tag.
So the image tag (<img>), even though Dreamweaver won't identify text inside it,
still appears.
A great way to search for text in both the title and body of a Web page is to choose the HTML tag
from this menu. That way, you can search for any text that appears within the opening <html> and closing
</html> of the page梬hich, since those tags start and end any Web document, is all text on a page.
This trick is handy when you want to change text that might appear in the body and the title of a page (for
example, a company name).
| Limiting the search by attribute
To limit the search further, click the + button (see Figure 19-8); yet another new set
of fields appears.
Using the Tag Modifier menu梟ext to the + and - buttons (Figure 19-8)梱ou can
choose from any of six options that break down into three groups:
With Attribute/Without Attribute. To limit the search, you can specify that a
tag must either have (With Attribute) or not have (Without Attribute) a specific
property. For example, say the following line of code appears throughout a Web site: <p>For assistance, please email
<a href="mailto:mail@nationalexasperater.com">
The National Exasperater.</a></p> Now, for the sake of argument, you need to change it to say "For assistance, please
email Customer Service." A basic text find and replace would incorrectly change the
words "The National Exasperater" to "Customer Service" everywhere on the site. However, an advanced text search using the With Attribute option would do the
trick. You could look for the text "The National Exasperater" wherever it appears
inside an <a> tag whose Href attribute is set to "mailto:mail@nationalexasperater.com." (To learn about the different HTML tags and attributes, use Dreamweaver's
built-in code reference; see Section 10.5.) After you choose With Attribute, use the menu on the right to select which of the
tag's properties you want to find. (Dreamweaver automatically lists properties that
are appropriate for the tag you've specified.) For example, if you search inside a
<table> tag, the menu will list such properties as align, background, bgcolor, and
so on. Advance to the next pop-up menu to choose a type of comparison: = (equals),
!= (not equal to), > (greater than), or < (less than). These options are useful only
when the property's value is a numeric amount, such as the Width property of
an image. In this way, you could locate all images that are wider than 100 pixels
(width > 100). (This setting has no effect on values that are words, such as center
in this example: <td align="center">.) Finally, type the value of the property in the last field. For instance, if you were
searching for a black-colored background, the value would be #000000 (the hex
value for black; see Section 1.3.3). You can also click the menu and choose [any value]梐 useful option when you want
to find tags that have a certain property, but you're not interested in the property's
value. For example, if you want to find all <table> tags with a background color
(no matter whether the color's #336699, #000000, or #FFFFFF), choose the Bgcolor
attribute and [any value]. Containing/Not Containing. These options let you specify whether the tag contains,
or does not contain, specific text or a particular tag. When you choose this option, a different set of fields appears. Choose either Text
or Specific Tag from the menu to the right, and then either enter some text or select
a tag in the last field in the row. For example, another solution to the problem above would be to search for the
text "The National Exasperater" wherever it appears inside a <p> (paragraph) tag
that also contains the text "please email" (Figure 19-8). Inside Tag/Not Inside Tag. These last two choices are identical to those described
in Section They let you specify whether the tag is inside or not inside a specific tag. Use these to limit a search, for example, to text that appears only within a <span> tag that's inside a Heading 1 (<h1>) tag.
If you like, you can add even more restrictions to your search, adding new rules by
clicking the + button and repeating the setup just described. When you're really on
a roll, it's even possible to add so many modifiers that the Find and Replace window
actually grows past the bottom of your monitor. To remove a modifier, click the
- (minus) button.
19.3.4 Advanced Tag Searches
If you find the number of options an advanced text search offers overwhelming,
you haven't seen anything yet. Dreamweaver's tag search adds more choices to help
you quickly search for, and modify, HTML tags. You can use a tag search to strip out
unwanted HTML tags (for example, if you're migrating an old site to CSS, you could
remove the <font> tag), transform one tag into another (you could turn old style
bold [<b>] into the more widely accepted strong [<strong>] tag), and perform a host
of other powerful actions.
In its basic outline, a tag search is much like the regular text search described in Section 19.3.2. But this time, from the Search menu, you should choose Specific Tag.
Now a Tag menu appears next to the Search menu, and the dialog box expands to
display a new set of fields (see Figure 19-9). Some of them are the same as the controls
you see when performing an advanced text search (Section 19.3.3), such as the Tag Modifier
menu and the + button that lets you add additional restrictions to the search.
But a key difference here is the Actions menu (Figure 19-10), which lets you specify
the action Dreamweaver will perform on tags that match the search criteria when
you click Replace or Replace All (if you intend to search but not replace, these options
don't apply):
Replace Tag & Contents replaces the tag, and anything enclosed by the tag (including
other tags), with whatever you put into the With box to the right of this menu.
You can either type or paste text or HTML here. Replace Contents Only replaces everything enclosed by the tag with text or HTML
that you specify. The tag itself remains untouched. Remove Tag and Contents deletes the tag and everything inside. Strip Tag deletes the tag from the page, but leaves anything inside the tag untouched. Set Attribute
adds an attribute to the tag. For example, you could set the Alt property
of an image this way (see the box in Section 19.3.4). Remove Attribute removes an attribute from a tag. For example, you could remove
the not-so-useful Lowsrc attribute from all image tags on your pages. Add Before (After) Start (End) Tag. The last four actions in the menu simply offer
variations on the same theme. They each let you place content in a Web page just
before or after the tag you're searching for. To understand how these actions work, remember that most HTML tags come
in pairs. The paragraph tag, for example, has an opening tag (<p>) and a closing
tag (</p>). Say you searched for a paragraph tag; you could add text or HTML
before or after the start tag (<p>) or before or after the end tag (</p>). (For an
example of this action at work, see "Convenient Copyright Notices" at the end of
this chapter.)
19.3.5 A Powerful Example: Adding Alt Text Fast
You've just put the finishing touches on the last page of your brand-new, 1,000-page
site. You sit back and smile梐nd then snap bolt upright when you notice you forgot
to add an Alt description for the site's banner graphic (Section 5.2.2). This graphic, called
site_banner.gif, appears on every single one of the 1,000 pages. With rising dread,
you realize that you'll have to open each page, select the graphic, and add the Alt
property by hand.
And then you remember Dreamweaver's advanced tag-based find and replace.
Here's what you do. Press Ctrl+F (-F) to open the Find and Replace window. Set
up the dialog box like this:
From the "Find in" menu, choose Entire Local Site.
You want to fix every page on your site. From the Search pop-up menu, choose Specific Tag; from the pop-up menu to its
right, choose "img."
You'll start by identifying every image (the <img> tag). On the next row, use the three pop-up menus to choose With Attribute, "src," and
the equals sign (=).
This tells Dreamweaver to look for specific images梚n this case, images with a
Src attribute (the path that tells a Web browser where to find the image file on the
Web server) with a specific value. Type .*site_banner\.gif in the box next to the = sign.
For this exercise, assume the graphic file is stored in a folder called images located
in the root folder of the site. The name site_banner.gif is the name of the image
file. The .* is the magic, and it'll be explained in a moment. Click the + button.
Another row of Tag Modifier menus appears. From the new row of menus, choose Without Attribute and "alt."
You've further limited Dreamweaver's search to only those images that don't already
have the Alt attribute. (After all, why bother setting the Alt property on an
image that already has it?)
From the Action menu, choose Set Attribute; from the Tag menu, choose "alt."
You've just told Dreamweaver what to do when you click the Replace or Replace All
button. When Dreamweaver finds an <img> tag that matches the search criteria,
it will then add an Alt property to that tag. In this example, you might type The National Exasperater in the To field; you've
just specified the Alt text that Dreamweaver will add to the image. Turn on Use Regular Expressions.
Regular expressions, described in Section, let you search for specific patterns of
characters, and in this case, will help you accurately identify the banner graphic
file everywhere it appears. You know you're looking for the file site_banner.gif, wherever it appears in the site.
Unfortunately, if you just type site_banner.gif as the value of the Src property of
step 3, Dreamweaver won't succeed in its task. That's because the Src attribute, the
part of the <img> tag that includes the name of the file, varies from page to page.
Depending on where a page is relative to the graphic, the Src might be site_banner.
gif, images/site_banner.gif, or even ../../../images/site_banner.gif. What you need is
a way to match every Src attribute that ends in site_banner.gif. A simple regular expression, .*site_banner\.gif, does the trick. The period stands for
any character (6, g, or even %, for example), while the * (asterisk) means "zero or
more times." When you add these codes to the graphic name, site_banner.gif, you
instruct Dreamweaver to find every src value that ends in site_banner.gif. Note the backslash before the last period: \.gif. Since in the world of regular
expressions a period means "any character," simply using site_banner.gif would
not only match site_banner.gif, but also site_banner1gif, site_bannerZgif, and so
on梚n other words, any character between site_banner and gif. The backslash
means treat the next character literally; it's just a period with no special regular
expression power. The dialog box should look like the one in Figure 19-11.
I want to add a copyright notice to the bottom of each page
in my Web site. Is there a way to automate this process so I
don't have to edit every page in my site by hand?
Of course there is. Use Dreamweaver's Find and Replace
command to add text
or HTML to the bottom
of any Web page. The
trick is knowing how
to use the command's
Specific Tag option.
First, choose Edit
Find and Replace to
open the Find and
Replace window. Next, choose Entire Local Site from the
Find In menu, and choose Specific Tag from the Search
menu. Choose "body" from the Tag menu. Remember,
the <body> tag in HTML encloses everything that appears
inside a browser window; it's equivalent to what you see in the document window.
From the Action menu, choose Add Before End Tag. The end
tag in this case is </body>. Since </body> marks the end of
any content in a Web page, whatever appears directly before
this closing tag will appear
at the bottom of
the Web page (you can
probably see where
this is going).
Now, in the text field
next to the Action
menu, type (or paste)
the copyright notice
you'd like to use on each. You may want to first design the
copyright message using Dreamweaver, then copy and paste
the HTML into this field.
Click Replace All. Dreamweaver handles the rest.
Click the Replace All button and sit back.
In a matter of moments, Dreamweaver updates all 1,000 pages. To test this out first, you might try a more cautious approach: Click the Find button
to locate the first instance of the missing Alt property; verify that it's correct
by looking in the Search box (see Figure 19-6); then click the Replace button to
add the proper Alt value. You can continue updating pages one at a time this way,
or, once you're sure it works correctly, press Replace All.