Data Type Conversion for a Package

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The DBMS Package procedure or mapper enables you to convert a package of database tables from one DBMS type to another DBMS type, as well as providing the ability to change the ownership of tables.

To Map the DBMS types of a package to another DBMS type, follow the steps below:

1.Right-click on the package in the Project Browser window to display the context menu.
2.Select the Code Engineering | Reset DBMS Options menu option. The Manage DBMS Options dialog displays.
3.In the Current DBMS field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the current DBMS. In the New DBMS field click on the drop-down arrow and select the target DBMS.
4.Select the Convert DBMS Type checkbox.
5.If there are child packages that also require changing, select the Process Child Packages checkbox.
6.Click on the OK button. All Tables in the selected packages are mapped to the new DBMS.

To change the owner of the table or all of the tables in a package, follow the steps below:

1. Right-click on the package in the Project Browser window to display the context menu.
2.Select the Code Engineering | Reset DBMS Options menu option. The Manage DBMS Options dialog displays.
3.In the New Owner field, type the name for the new table owner.
4.In the Current Owner field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the current owner to change, or select <All> to change the ownership of all tables in the package to the name you typed in the New Owner field.
5.Select the Change Table Owner checkbox.
6.If there are child packages that also require changing, select the Process Child Packages checkbox.
7.Click on the OK button. The ownership changes for all Tables in the selected packages with the specified current owner.

For more information on setting the table owner see the Set Table Owner topic. To display the table owner in the current diagram see the Set Appearance Options topic.