Team LiB
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quantifiers, 448-449, 451-452
QuickTree project, 613-627
event handlers and delegates for, 619-622
namespace references for, 614-615
properties and methods for external client in TreeView control, 616-619
in Solution Explorer window, 614
variables for UserControl class, 615-616
wiring delegates in constructor, 626-627
worker thread code for, 623-625
QuickTreeFill project
class local variables for, 597-598
code for Clear and Fill Normal buttons, 601-605
code for Inventory class, 594-597
events of Fill Fast button, 605-610
helper functions for, 599-600
running, 611-612
wiring delegates to constructor and to button click events, 610-611
QuickTreeTester project, 627-639
adding controls to form, 628-629
class local variables for, 631
completing delegate wiring and initialization in constructor, 636-637
methods and Form_Load event for, 631-633
namespace references for, 630
painting Panel control, 633-636
setting up, 627-628
testing multithreaded control, 637-639

Team LiB
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