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RadioButton control, 5-6, 7-8, 34-35
RAM disk, 386, 387
RangeRequired property, 506-509
binary data to files, 382-384
binary data to memory, 384-386
files and validating, 543-553
speed for binary flat file, 384
XML files and validating, 543-553
ReadXML button
clearing screen and enabling, 546
illustrated, 544
reading, 543
setting up as click event, 545-546
ReadXMLFile method, 546-552
registry entry for event logger source, 413-414
regular expressions, 445-462
C# methods for validating, 457-458
character matching commands, 448
common data validation expressions, 456-457
date and key press validation for Golf project, 688
debug code for, 527-528
escape characters, 447
exact matching, 452-453
examples using, 449-450
function of, 445-446
lazy quantifier, 449
masking vs., 464
password validation with, 460-462
quantifiers, 448-449, 451-452
RegularExpressions namespace, 446-447
text replacement, 453-455
trapping errors with
SetRegularExpression method, 524-525
validation with, 445-446, 455-462, 568
validator extending TextBox control, 515-524
VB methods for validating, 459-460
XML data validation with, 552
RegularExpressions namespace, 446-447
Regx class, 516-524
RegxValidate class, 515-524
RelayDelay for ValidateXML project, 568
reloading IDE, 525
Required property, 503-506
ResBuild.bat, 177
ResGen.exe utility, 164
resizable forms, 111-114
Resizable project, 111-113
Resize events, 322-324
resizing controls in .NET, 320
resizing controls in .NET, 320
screen size and, 110-111
resource files
binary, 163-164
locating with fallback method, 164-165
loose resources and errors, 188, 192
retrieving resources, 165-166
showing in Solution Explorer, 158
text, 160
XML, 160-163
restriction code for GridRestrict project, 366-368
RichTextBox, 629
row select method, 302-305
RS–232 devices as data sources, 375-378
runtime switch enabling tracing, 430-431

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