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sample listings
advantages of entering, 67
car mileage expense report code, 178-187, 188-192
Classify static class, 532-534
console program, 104-109
constructor code for PowerUser main form, 73-83
Course scores tab (Golf project), 679-685
DataBound project, 40-49
ErrDialog project in C#, 402-404
event delegates for SDISample project, 124-133
Golf project database class, 664-669
HoleDetail screen, 690-696
IHoleDetails collection classes, 650-660
intercepting keystrokes for form controls, 222-225
Keys project code, 209-213
load event for DB_data project, 330-331
load event handler and helper function in PowerUser project, 86-89
Masked Edit control events in C# and VB code, 468-470
MDIapp project, 143-147, 148-151
MovieList class, 269-274
MSComm constructor and delegate in C#, 377
rectangle converter class, 231
Regx class, 516-524
SelectText program, 53-57
Statistics screen for Golf project, 697-703
tabbing through controls in C# and VB, 27-28
terminal setup program, 10-19
TextBox setup example, 23-27
Tracing project console form, 420-423
Tree Tester project, 573-577
WriteXML project main form, 535-540
satellite assemblies, 164
saving enumerated values in XML file, 552
SAX (Simple API for XML) reader method, 551
scalability and user interface, 573-641. See also QuickTree project; QuickTreeTester project
allowing external client use of controls, 616-619
avoiding delays filling true tree hierarchy, 591-593
cautions about multithreading, 612
creating appearance of speed in virtual tree, 605-610
creating virtual tree with QuickTreeFill project, 593-594
increasing apparent fill speed of Tree Test project, 587-591
QuickTreeTester project, 627-639
running fast TreeView example, 611-612
worker thread code for QuickTree project, 623-624
scatter effect, 118-119
schema file for ConfigDevice.xsd, 556
screen design. See also user interface design
bad layouts, 62-65
consistency, 60
effective layout, 60-61
screen size and resolution issues, 110-111
simplicity of information flow, 65-67
scroll bars, 113
SDI (single-document interface). See also MDI applications; SDISample project
converting to MDI application, 141
keeping track of SDI child forms, 119-137
overview of, 117-119
plans for coding SDISample project, 119-124
running multiform example, 137-138
scatter effect and, 118-119
types of, 117-118
VB and C# differences for multiform SDI, 139-140
SDI child forms, 119-137
SDISample project, 119-137
adding code for event delegates, 124-133
assigning class local variables, 124
completing form setup for, 122-123
Employee form for, 121-122
entering code for constructor, 133-134
OpenWindow delegate, 134
plans and steps for coding, 119-124
running multiform SDI, 137-140
setting up main form for, 120-121
state of child forms in, 123
SelectText program, 52-57
Sender object, 134
serial devices and data entry, 375-378
serialization, 571
shared classes in VB code, 365-366
shortcuts, 84
simulating console window, 419
Solution Explorer
Golf project in, 644
QuickTree solution space, 614
QuickTreeTester project in, 627
references added in MSComm, 376
showing resource files in, 158
sort order
arrays in MovieList project, 290-291
changing in employee list form, 104
determining language sort order, 172-173
speed keys, 84
Splitter, 320
Spy example, 194-201
adding code to, 196-199
creating form for, 194-195
modifying properties for, 195-196
showing accessibility properties, 199-201
SQL databases
OleDbDataAdapter commands, 351-352
retrieving and hiding data in DataGrid, 341
static classes in C# code, 365-366
static methods, 89
Statistics screen (Golf project), 648-649, 697-703
code for, 697-703
illustrated, 697
streams, 379-387. See also Union project
defined, 379-380
file I/O vs., 387
reading and writing binary data to file, 382-384
reading and writing binary file to memory, 384-386
sequential and overlapping data structures, 388
wrapping file stream in binary reader, 384
swapping ListView lists, 258-264
syntax of regular expressions, 447-455
character matching commands, 448
escape characters, 447
exact matching, 452-453
quantifiers, 448-449, 451-452
System.Diagnostics namespace, 215
System.Globalization namespace, 167
System.Windows.Forms.Control, 3-4
System.Xml namespace, 530

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