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Panel control
adding mouse delegates to, 235
anchoring, 228
drawing rectangle on, 233-235
Parts table of DB_Grid project, 344, 345
encrypting in XML, 532-535
validating, 460-461
adding and clearing nodes in VB 6.0, 575-576
allowing external client use of TreeView control, 616-619
avoiding delays filling tree hierarchy, 591-593
clearing nodes instantly, 585-587
creating appearance of speed in virtual tree, 605-610
filling and clearing nodes in .NET, 580-585
increasing apparent fill speed, 587-591
limitations handling literal characters, 483
out of order events and time lag, 471-472
running fast TreeView example, 611-612
speed of reading binary flat files, 384
synchronizing conflicts with worker threads, 639-640
turning tracing off by default for, 418
phone number validation, 456-457
Photo class, 296-298
Photo project, 292-319
class local variable added, 302
delegate code for TreeView control, 305-309
directory in Solution Explorer, 293-294
drag-and-drop, column sort, and row select methods, 302-305
dragging photograph to TreeView, 314-319
initialization code, 309-313
ListViewSorter code, 294-296
main form for, 293
omitting focus code in, 320
Photo class code, 296-298
PhotoList code, 298-302
preventing bad drop zones in, 315-319
running, 315
PhotoList class, 298-302
PictureBox control
adding flags from ListBox in, 228-229
all flags displayed in, 229
marking and deleting flags in, 236-238
marquis selection within, 230-238
setting up MovieList project drag-and- drop, 286
Platform Invocation Services (PInvoke), 375
Point and Size structures in GDI+, 232
pop-up menus
invoking with objects, 249-256
for Some Part #1 in TreeView, 254
for Some Part #2 in Image view, 255
PowerUser project, 68-72
adding Basic Data controls, 69-70
adding controls to Personal tab, 71-72
adding controls to Position tab, 70-71
adding ToolBar, 84-85
assigning hot keys on menu, 83-85
changing sort order in employee list, 104
code for Load event handler and helper function, 86-89
coding PowerUser employee list form, 97-103
coding tab order, 85
completed form, 96
edit mode for completed form, 97
first tab of, 70
form controls for, 69
how employee list form works, 103
second tab of, 72
setting up first form, 68-72
programming guidelines for accessibility, 192-193
projects. See specific projects by name
accessibility, 193-194
ambient, 114-115
defining Vlad project, 497
Format, 475-479, 492-493
Format and Mask, 475-479
KeyEventArgs, 205
KeyPreview, 222
Language and Localizable, 156
modifying accessibility, 195-196
NullDiscard, 377
RangeRequired, 506-509
Required, 503-506
selecting for ErrorProvider control, 397-398
TextBox control, 21

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