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object-oriented GUI (graphical user interface), 239-325. See also ContainedControls project; context menus; drag-and-drop operations; MovieList project
adding main movie form code, 276-291
anchoring and docking, 320-325
conditions for drag-and-drop operations, 281-282
creating Movie object, 267-268
data presentation in, 239-240
data types for drag-and-drop operations, 282
displaying context menus, 248-249
highlighting nodes, 319
invoking pop-up menus with object, 249-256
items demonstrated in MovieList project, 264-265
manipulating data with ListView control, 256
presenting data views with ListView control, 257-264
preventing bad drop zones, 315-319
resizing controls in .NET, 320
setting up code for context menus, 242-247
TreeView control, 291-292
using controls in, 241
forms as, 241
GolfCourse, 660
GridRestrict project error, 372-374
invoking pop-up menus with, 249-256
IScoreCardInfo, 661-664
types of ADO.NET, 327-328
XML files and object persistence, 571
OleDbCommandBuilder object, 352
OleDbDataAdapter SQL commands, 351-352
OnHandleCreated method, 622
OnHandleDestroyed method, 622
on-the-fly validation, 204, 214-215
OpenWindow delegate, 134
overloading functions in VB code, 103
CanExtend property, 497-498
ToString() method, 275-276, 660, 676

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