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namespace references
DB_data project, 329-330
DB_Grid project, 334
QuickTree project, 614-615
QuickTreeTester project, 630
Tracing project, 423
Union project, 380
ValidateXML project, 559
Vlad project, 496
about, 243
Forms, 243
Globalization, 166-168
Interop services, 388-389
RegularExpressions, 446-447
System.Diagnostics, 215
System.Globalization, 167
System.Xml, 530
Threading, 214
coding tab order, 85
screen consistency and, 60
steering user with Edit, OK, and Cancel buttons, 94-96
tabbing through controls, 27
.NET data entry controls. See controls
.NET Framework. See also regular expressions
AmbientProperties class, 115
assigning access keys, 83-85
collection classes, 108
COM Interop capability, 375
controls in .NET IDE, 240-241
EventLogger, 406-407
exception handling in, 431
InputValidator code, 33
.NET rendition of MaskedEdit control test, 470-471
properties for screen size and resolution, 110-111
regular expressions in, 445-446
ResGen.exe utility, 164
serialization, 571
static methods, 89
System.Windows.Forms.Control, 3-4
validation errors with Masked Edit control in, 465-472
adding and clearing for Tree Tester project, 575-576
adding array of nodes to base, 622
clearing Tree Test project instantly, 585-587
displaying Golf project statistics as, 702-703
filling and clearing in Tree Test project (.NET), 580-585
highlighting, 319
increasing apparent fill speed of Tree Test project, 587-591
preventing bad drop zones in Photo project, 314-319
setting up node testing form, 627-629
NodeSelect delegate, 318-319
NodeSelect routine, 309
null arguments in KeyPress events, 214-215
null characters, 377-378
null checking, 622-623
number displays, 171-172
number extender control, class definitions for, 497
NumberExtender control, 494-528
adding locals region, 498-499
code region for Required property, 503-506
creating, 495-496
creating project for testing, 513-515
displaying design-time errors in, 525-526
events added to, 499-502
instantiating hash tables in locals region, 506-509
namespace references added, 496
overriding CanExtend property, 497-498
RegxValidate class added to Vlad project, 515-524
setting minimum and maximum value properties, 509-512
ToolTip control for Vlad project, 502-503
trapping errors with SetRegularExpression method, 524-525

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