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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

A prefix character  2nd 
accessPoint element (UDDI) 
ACID properties (relational database)  2nd 
Actor attribute (SOAP-ENV:Header) 
Add( ) method
    DataRelationCollection  2nd 
    SoapAttributeOverrides class 
    XmlAttributeOverrides class 
    XmlSchemaCollection class  2nd 
    XmlSchemaObjectCollection class 
add_publisherAssertions method (UDDI API) 
AddExtensionObject( ) method (XsltArgumentList) 
AddNameSpace( ) method (XmlNameSpaceManager) 
AddressElementToString( ) method (XmlTextReader) 
AddSort( ) method (XPathExpression)  2nd 
ADO.NET  [See also DataSet class]
    System.Data namespace and 
    XmlConvert class 
Algorithm property (XmlDiff) 
America Online 
ampersand (&)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
ancestor axis 
ancestor-or-self axis 
and relational operator 
angle brackets <>  2nd 
Annotation property (XmlSchemaAnnotated) 
AnyAttribute property
    XmlSchemaAttributeGroup class 
    XmlSchemaComplexType class 
APIs, UDDI registry and 
AppendChild( ) method  2nd  3rd 
AppendFormat( ) method (StringBuilder) 
Application property (WebService type) 
    .NET Framework and  2nd 
    enterprise services and 
    manipulating data 
appSettings element  2nd  3rd 
AppSettingsReader class  2nd  3rd 
ASCII encoding  2nd 
.asmx file  2nd  3rd  4th 
    HTTP methods 
    web services  2nd 
    WebMethod attribute 
assemblies  2nd  3rd 
asterisk (*) 
at sign (@)
    C# and 
    reserved character 
    selecting attributes 
    WebService directive 
    XDL paths 
atomicity (ACID property) 
Attr nodes (DOM) 
Attr property (XmlAttributeEventArgs) 
attribute axis 
AttributeCount property (XmlPyxReader) 
AttributeFormDefault property (XmlSchema) 
AttributeGroups property (XmlSchema) 
AttributeName property
    SoapAttributeAttribute class 
    XmlAttributeAttribute class  2nd 
    at sign 
    attribute pointers  2nd 
    DTD limitations 
    File class 
    locating in XML documents 
    msdata prefix and 
    selecting nodes by value 
    wildcards for names 
    xd:xmldiff element 
    XML serialization 
    XmlNameTable class and 
Attributes property
    XmlSchema class 
    XmlSchemaAttributeGroup class 
    XmlSchemaComplexType class 
    XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension class 
    XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction class 
AttributeType property (XmlSchemaAttribute) 
authorization tokens 
axis  2nd 

[ Team LiB ]