Add a New Topic

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To create a new Topic,  right-click on a Category from the message thread window. Select New Topic from the context menu.


This displays the Create New Topic dialog,  Enter the name and any relevant details into the text field, as well as the name of the author, before clicking on the OK button.  New posts can now be added to the topic; see Adding a New Post.



New Topic

Creates a new topic under the selected category in the tree.


Edits the currently select item, either a category, topic or post.

Copy Path To Clipboard

Copies the path to the currently selected item to the clipboard.

Refresh Category

Refreshes the currently selected category.

Reload Discussion Forum

Reloads the discussion forum. Used when multiple users are connected to a model on a server.


Displays the Options dialog.

Delete Category

Deletes the currently selected category from the tree.

See Also