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element access expression, 207
else clause
adding to if statements, 24
else keyword, 794
email messages, 331
Enabled property
Button class, 709
encapsulation, 78, 142
changing private features, 145
collections, 205
ensuring data integrity, 143
preventing unauthorized access to data, 142
using accessors within methods, 148
EndsWith method
String class, 450
Enroll method
Section class, 573, 741
enum keyword, 794
enumeration objects
stepping through collections, 489
equality testing (==), 25
Equals method
Object class, 467
null reference exception, 605
escape characters, 448
event delegates, 723
event handling, 673
writing methods, 726
event keyword, 794
EventArgs class
writing event handler methods, 726
changing states of objects, 387
displaying information on GUIs, 390
internal, 391
collaboration, 91
directing events to another object, 388
ignoring, 390
returning values, 389
scenarios, 391
types of, 387
Exception class
extending, 462
hierarchy, 458
Message property, 462
System namespace, 458
writing event handler methods, 726
exception handling, 452
catch blocks
proper ordering of, 459
sequential evaluation of, 458
complier-mandated, 465
Exception class
hierarchy, 458
mechanics of, 453
nesting try statements, 460
referencing thrown exception objects, 461
try—catch blocks, 453
user-defined exceptions, 462
exception traces, 607
exclusive or, 373
explicit casting, 22
explicit keyword, 794
expressions, 16
arithmetic statements, 17
assignment statements, 17
compound assignment operators, 17
evaluating and operator precedence, 20
extending abstract classes
compared to implementing interfaces, 261
extending base classes, 181
extending collection classes, 222
Extensible Markup Language. See XML
extern keyword, 794

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