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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]

    COM mapping 
    COM object exposure 
    language overview 
    managed language description 
        binding COM objects 
        COM exposure 
    online resources for further information 
    syntax table 
C/C++ comments 
Calendar class, System.Globalization 
CalendarWeekRule enumeration, System.Globalization 
callbacks, P/Invoke layer and 
calling into DLLs 
CallingConvention enumeration, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
CallingConventions enumerations, System.Reflection API 
Camel, naming convention case and 
CannotUploadAppDomainException class, System namespace 
CanRead method, Stream class 
CanSeek method, Stream class 
CanWrite method, Stream class 
Capture class, System.Text.RegularExpressions 
CaptureCollection class, System.Text.RegularExpressions 
    strings and 
case keyword 
case, naming conventions 
CaseInsensitiveComparer class, System.Collections 
CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider class, System.Collections 
catch blocks 
catch clause 
    catch expression 
    exception variable 
catch keyword 
CCW (COM Callable Wrapper) 
char keyword 
Char struct, System namespace 
char types 
character sets, regular expressions 
CharEnumerator sealed class, System namespace 
CharSet enumeration, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
checked keyword 
checked operators, arithmetic overflow 
CIL (Common Intermediate Language) 
class keyword 
classes  [See also sealed classes]2nd  [See also abstract classes]
    Array, collections and 
    ArrayList, collections and 
    attribute classes 
    BitArray, collections and 
    CaptureCollection, strings and 
    collections, predefined 
    data members 
        data members 
    Group, strings and 
    Hashtable, collections and 
        inheritance and 
        quick reference entries 
    interfaces comparison 
    isolated storage 
    Microsoft.Win32 namespace
    Monitor, threads and 
    namespaces and 
    Queue, collections and 
    Regex, strings and 
    SortedList, collections and 
    Stack, collections and 
    string class 
        types and 
    StringCollection, collections and 
    StringDictionary, collections and 
    struct comparison 
    System namespace
    System.Diagnostics namespace
    System.Globalization namespace
    System.IO namespace
    System.IO.IsolatedStorage namespace
    System.Net namespace
    System.Net.Sockets namespace
    System.Reflection.Emit namespace
    System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace
    System.Runtime.Serialization namespace
    System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters namespace
    System.Text namespace
    System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace
    System.Threading namespace
    System.Timers namespace
    System.Xml namespace
    System.Xml.XPath namespace
    System.Xml.Xsl namespace
    SystemCollections namespace
    SystemCollections.Specialized namespace
    SystemReflection API
    Type, reflection and 
ClassInterfaceAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ClassInterfaceType enumeration, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 
Close( ) method, memory management 
CLR (Common Language Runtime)  2nd 
    classes, COM+ and 
    data marshaling 
    managed execution and 
    strings, indexed 
CLR marshaler 
CLS (Common Language Specification) 
    CLS Consumers 
    CLS Extenders 
    CTS and 
[CLSCompliant] attribute 
CLSCompliantAttribute sealed class, System namespace 
CoClassAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
    introductory program 
CollectionBase abstract class, System.Collections 
    Array class 
    ArrayList class 
    Assembly API 
    BitArray class 
    hash code generation 
    Hashtable class 
    IComparable interface 
    IComparer interfaces 
    IEnumerable interface and 
    IEnumerator interface and 
    iteration and 
    ordering and 
    predefined classes 
    Queue class 
    SortedList class 
    Stack class 
    StringCollection class 
    StringDictionary class 
CollectionsUtil class, System.Collections.Specialized 
    binding C# objects 
    component-based software and 
    interop support attributes 
    mapping in C# 
    objects, exposing to C# 
COM Callable Wrapper  [See CCW]
COM+ services
    FCL and 
COM+ support 
COM+, CLR classes and 
ComAliasNameAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComCompatibleVersionAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComConversionLossAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
COMException class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComImportAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComInterfaceType enumeration, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComMemberType enumeration, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
comments in XML documentation 
    C/C++ style 
Common Intermediate Language  [See CIL]
Common Language Infrastructure  [See CLI]
Common Language Runtime  [See CLR]
Common Type System  [See CTS]
CompareInfo classes, System.Globalization 
CompareOptions enumeration, System.Globalization 
Comparer sealed class, System.Collections 
comparisons, strings 
    conditional compilation 
    custom attributes 
    FCL and 
    System.Reflection.Emit namespace and 
compiling, Csc.exe and 
component-based development, enabling 
    language support 
ComRegisterFunctionAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComSourceInterfacesAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
ComVisibleAttribute sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
[Conditional] attribute 
ConditionalAttribute sealed class, System.Diagnostics 
configuration, FCL and 
Console class 
Console sealed class, System namespace 
const keyword 
ConstructorBuilder sealed class, System.Reflection.Emit 
ConstructorInfo abstract class, System.Reflection API 
    access modifiers 
    inheritance and, initialization 
    instance constructors 
ContextBoundObject abstract class, System namespace 
ContextMarshalException class, System namespace 
ContextStaticAttribute class, System namespace 
continue keyword 
continue statement 
    bool types 
    char types 
    decimal types 
    floating-point types 
    integral types 
Convert sealed class, System namespace 
Convert type 
Cookie class, System.Net 
CookieCollection class, System.Net 
CookieContainer class, System.Net 
CookieException class, System.Net 
COOL language 
CORBA, component-based software and 
CounterCreationData class, System.Diagnostics 
CounterCreationDataCollection class, System.Diagnostics 
CounterSample struct, System.Diagnostics 
CounterSampleCalculator sealed class, System.Diagnostics 
CredentialCache class, System.Net 
cross-references in quick reference 
cross-references, XML types 
CrossAppDomainDelegate delegate, System namespace 
CSP (Cryptographic Service Provider), Sn.exe and 
CTS (Common Type System) 
    CLS and 
CultureInfo class, System.Globalization 
CultureTypes enumeration, System.Globalization 
CurrencyWrapper sealed class, System.Runtime.InteropServices 
custom attributes
    predefined attributes 
    retrieving at runtime 
    runtime support 
custom types 
CustomAttributeBuilder class, System.Reflection.Emit 
CustomAttributeFormatException class, System.Reflection API 

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