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tabbing, using in logs, 95-96
tech support, using defect tracking software to collaborate with, 220-221
testers, using defect tracking software to collaborate with, 217-220
thread debugging window
contents of, 170-171
freezing threads with, 183-184
thread priorities, location of, 178
threaded code, advisory about fixing minor bugs in, 192
overview of, 197
trading performance for safety in, 188
threading bugs
deadlocks, 176-177, 180, 189-196
race conditions, 172-174, 183-188, 194
starvations, 177-178
tracking with logging, 187
types of, 171
threading problems
common causes of, 171-178
debugging, 180-196
advisory about freezing of, 171
bug resulting from waiting on locks, 189
causing sleeping of, 174
dynamics of, 167
freezing in debugger, 183-186
making assumptions about, 179
naming, 170
sharing variables between, 173-174
viewing in debugger, 170-171
time and date, obtaining, 94
Time Of Request field in ASP.NET, significance of, 123
timeouts, using with ReaderWriterLock class, 196
TODO comment, role in logs, 96-97
Trace class
using Assert method with, 68
using with TraceContext logging class, 133-134
trace files, accessing with ASP.NET, 132
Trace Information section in ASP.NET
overview of, 124
writing to, 132, 134-135
TraceContext logging class, using with Trace class, 133-134
customizing debug asserts with, 80-85
writing, 104
traceMode option in ASP.NET tracing, meaning of, 131
TraceSwitch class, explanation of, 105
tracing. See logging
Tracker defect tracking system, example of, 203
trusts in Windows, role in reproducing remote customer bugs, 151
try/catch blocks, using with SecurityExceptions, 162-164

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