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searching and reporting in defect tracking systems, overview of, 209-216
security, overview of, 157-164
handling, 161-164
throwing with CAS, 158-159
Server Explorer window, accessing when debugging SQL stored procedures, 135
Server Variables tracing information in ASP.NET, overview of, 129
servers, debugging failed request processing on, 144
service startup code, using debug asserts with, 79
ServiceNotification flag, using with debug asserts and Windows services, 77, 81-82
services, using debug asserts in, 78, 84-85
single locks, avoiding deadlocks with, 193. See also locks; multiple-reader locks; single-writer locks
single-writer locks, avoiding deadlocks with, 194-195. See also locks; multiple-reader locks; single locks
software agents, manual installation of, 45
source control, overview of, 224-233
advisory about keeping clock accurate for use of, 237
allowing developers to work together with, 227
branching copies with, 231-232
comparing file versions with, 241
configuring aliasing in, 226
debugging with, 233-248
directories in, 226
fetching all files at startup with, 236
fetching versions with, 231-232
files copied on, 233
managing simultaneous check-outs with, 228
overview of, 225
pin command in, 246
protecting against accidental deletion of files with, 232-233
role of labels in, 229-230
rolling back to earlier versions with, 231-232
using diffs with, 233
viewing checked out files with, 227
viewing history of all changes with, 229-230
wildcard search feature in, 243
writing comments when checking in files with, 240
SourceSafe branches, exploiting, 244
SourceSafe permissions, changing, 239
spreadsheet bug, example of, 63-64
SQL debugging, disadvantages of, 137. See also remote SQL debugging
SQL stored procedures. See stored procedures
SQL Triggers, setting breakpoints on, 137
SqlConnection class, use of MDAC2.6 database library with, 27
stack trace, examples of, 91-92
starvation threading bugs, overview of, 177-178
state field in PRs, purpose of, 207
static methods, managing threads with, 174
stored procedures
debugging, 135-138
debugging in applications, 137
specifying parameters to, 137
stepping into directly, 136-137
strings, reasoning about, 50
overview of, 103-106
using in logs, 99-100
<switches> section in.config file, explanation of, 108
synchronization, role in multithreaded programs, 173-174
SyncLock statements as synchronization method, using, 174-175
System.Diagnostics.Debug class
calling Assert method with, 61
using with Debug class, 68
System.IO.Path class, benefits of, 93
System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock, purpose of, 194-195
System.Web class library, determining ASP.NET log contexts with, 135

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