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labels, using with SourceSafe, 229-230
language independence, benefit of, 5-6
legacy VB6/C++ COM components, detaching from, 121
legal cases, advisory about using debug asserts with, 75-76
levels of TraceSwitches, explanation of, 105-106
<listener> section in.config file, explanation of, 107
listeners, overview of, 103-106
LoadLibraryEx function, purpose of, 23
localOnly option in ASP.NET tracing, meaning of, 131
lock statements as synchronization method, using, 174-175
lock timeouts, overview of, 196
acquiring in same order to avoid deadlocks, 190-191
bug resulting from waiting on, 189
releasing, 195
log keywords, being consistent with, 97
log levels, changing, 150
log statements, advisory about combining in single lines, 93-94
applications versus web pages, 122
with ASP.NET, 122-135
versus debug asserts, 62
enabling in ASP.NET, 130-135
increasing with new builds, 155
overview of, 87
support for, 100-108
tracking threading bugs with, 187
verifying installation of, 155-156
errors, warnings, and handled exceptions in, 92-93
example of, 101
execution flow in, 91-92
eye-catchers used with, 98
identifying errors and warnings in consistently, 96-97
including general information in, 94
increasing readability of, 95-100
information contained in, 90
key computed values in, 93-94
overview of, 88
switches used in, 99-100
tabbing in, 95-96
user input in, 90

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