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race-condition threading bugs
debugging, 183-188
example of, 194
overview of, 172-174
ReaderWriterLock class, using, 195-196
refcount variable, role in COM, 182
Release mode
versus Debug mode, 64
displaying message boxes in, 61
value of using debug asserts in, 68-69
Release mode applications, debugging on production servers, 117
ReleaseLock function, calling, 195
remote customer sites
difficulties of debugging at, 141-145
gathering data for debugging of, 148-149
remote debugging, overview of, 7-8, 119-120. See also brute-force debugging; cross-machine debugging; debugging
remote objects, using debug asserts with, 80
remote SQL debugging, overview of, 138. See also SQL debugging
reporting and searching in defect tracking systems, overview of, 209-216
Request Details section in ASP.NET, overview of, 123
requestLimit option in ASP.NET tracing, meaning of, 131
resources, limiting access to, 157
<runat=server> control, preserving values of ASP.NET controls with, 127
run-time errors versus compile-time errors, 116
run-time checking, disabling with CAS, 163

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