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Gamma, Erich, 297
garbage collection, 539
generalization, 248
abstract methods, 250
superclasses, 175
through abstraction, 56
generic abstractions, 56
get accessors
C# terminology, 423
get methods
Person class, 553
Student class, 558
get/set methods, 127
data integrity, ensuring, 143
encapsulation, 142
unauthorized access to data, preventing, 142
GetCourseTotal method
MainForm class, 739
GetEnrolledSections method
Student class, 565
GetEnumerator method
ArrayList class, 481, 490
Hashtable class, 485, 492, 735
IEnumerator interface, 565, 570
GetHashCode method
Object class, 474
GetInstructor method
Section class, 583
GetLength method
Array class, 478
GetPrerequisites method
Course class, 570
GetRepresentedCourse method
Section class, 583
GetSectionsEnrolled method
MainForm class, 739
GetSortedSections method
ScheduleOfClasses class, 733
GetType method
Object class, 474, 537
GetValue method
Array class, 477
global namespace, 444
using in SRS, 445
goal oriented functional requirements, 308
goto keyword, 795
GradeReceived object
Student Registration System example, 376
Graphical User Interface. See GUIs
GUI classes
Button class, 708
Form class, 686
Label class, 696
ListBox class, 704
TextBox class, 702
System.Drawing namespace, 667
System.Windows.Forms namespace, 667, 671
GUI event handling using delegates, 723
associating event handling methods via delegates, 729
Push Me example, 724
writing event handler methods, 726
application architecture, 693
concept of operations document, 676
functionality, 716
visual appearance, 685
components, 400, 668
controllers, 673
event driven, 671
event handling, 673, 717
models, 672
MVC, 672
separating from view, 731
multiple separate windows, 687
storyboarding, 677
views, 672

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