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Unicode character storage, 377-378
Union data structures, 387-393. See also Union project
defined, 387
defining with Interop services namespace, 389
sequential and overlapping data structures, 388
Union project, 380-387
adding namespaces to, 380
class local variables for, 380-382
code added to create overlapped benefit structure, 389-393
purpose of, 380
reading and writing binary data to file, 382-384
reading and writing binary file to memory, 384-386
structuring class variables, 388-389
USB data, 378-379
user interface (UI) design, 59-116. See also object-oriented GUI
adding ToolBar, 84-85
ambient properties, 114-115
anchoring controls for resizing, 113-114
assigning hot keys on menu, 83-85
bad screen layouts, 62-65
coding tab order, 85
completed PowerUser form, 96-97
console applications, 104-109
constructor code for PowerUser main form, 73-83
creating PowerUser employee list form, 97-104
data editing for PowerUser example, 68-72
defining controls in code rather than on form, 109
enabling form resizing, 111-113
example of good screen layout, 60-61
handling event delegates, 89-94
load event handler and helper function in PowerUser project, 86-89
screen consistency, 60
screen size and resolution issues, 110-111
simplicity of information flow, 65-67
steering user with Edit, OK, and Cancel buttons, 94-96
UserControl class, 615-616

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