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ValidateErrorEventHandler, 493-494
ValidateXML project
constructor code for, 555-556
enabling buttons on form, 569-570
including variables block for, 559-560
methods added to code region, 563-568
namespace references, 559
RelayDelay repeated, 568
setting up, 554, 555
validated XML form, 570
writing ConfigDate string to file, 570-571
writing statistics to TextBox screen, 569
writing XML file, 560-563
XML Schema added to, 556-558
adding validation code from event handlers, 28-33
in car mileage expense report, 190-191
cell entry validation for Golf project, 685-688
creating validation controls, 494-495
creating XML schema-fed validating reader, 563-568
debugging regular expressions, 527-528
error handling and, 395
errors in XmlValidatingReader, 571
extending control properties and, 494-495
fields in forms, 396-401
HoleDetail screen of Golf project, 689-690
keyboard KeyPress events and on-the-fly, 204, 214-215
limitations handling literal characters in CustomMask project, 483
Masked Edit control errors in .NET, 465-472
masking vs. regular expressions for, 464
new data in GridRestrict project, 371-372
regular expressions for, 445-446, 455-462, 568
setting up for RadioButton and ComboBox screens, 7-8
ValidationErrorEvent of CustomMask project, 487-491
writing for data entry controls, 1-3
XML data validation and regular expressions, 552
XmlTextReader limitations for file, 553
XmlValidatingReader and, 553, 571
validation form. See ValidateXML project
ValidationErrorEvent of CustomMask project, 487-491
variables. See also class local variables
adding for context menus, 243-244
including variables block for ValidateXML project, 559-560
using array of cultures as, 168-169
viewing event log in Event Viewer, 416-417
virtual trees
appearance of speed with Fill Fast button, 605-610
creating QuickTreeFill project, 593-594
Visual Basic 6.0 code. See also Golf project
adding and clearing nodes in TreeView control, 575-576
adding handlers for TextBox events, 484-485
adding ToolBar, 84-85
adding trace line to Form_Load delegate, 426
adding validation code from event handlers, 28-33
allowing external client use of TreeView control, 618-619
AndAlso operator, 319
assigning access keys, 83-85
capturing letters and numbers with
KeyPress event, 29-32
catching general exceptions, 433
Classify static class, 533-534
code region for Required property, 505-506
comparing coding for multiform SDI in
C# and, 139-140
complete code for Towns class, 361-365
console program, 107-109
constructor setup code for MenuItem objects, 246-247
ContainedControls project, 244
context menu in MDI applications, 152, 153
controlling and deleting user input, 481-482
currency and number displays, 171-172
CustomMask project, 474, 475, 478-479, 486, 487-491
DataBound project, 44-49
date and time displays, 170-171
DB_data project, 331
DB_Grid project, 334, 335, 336-337, 339-341, 350
detecting changed cells and cells clicked by user, 370
Dispose method, 342-343
enabling updating of disconnected data, 348-349
ErrProvider project, 399, 400
events of Masked Edit control in, 469-470
examples using regular expressions, 449-450
Form_Load and button click event handlers for, 416
GridRestrict project, 355-356, 367-368, 372
handling event delegates, 92-93
InputValidator code, 31-32, 33
instantiating hash tables in locals region, 508-509
intercepting keystrokes for form controls, 225-228
for IScoreCardInfo object, 663-664
Keys project, 212-213
linking DataSource property of ListBox to internal array, 219-220, 221-222
ListViewSwap project, 261-262, 263
Logging project, 411-413, 415
LvItems collection class, 260-261
MDIapp project, 148-151
MouseTrap project, 219, 233
MovieList project, 272-274, 284-286, 287-290
MsgBox command, 406
null checking, 622-623
overloading functions in, 103
overriding CanExtend property, 497-498
Photo project, 295-296, 297-298, 300-302, 307-309, 311-314
PowerUser project, 73, 78-82, 87-89, 101-102, 103
QuickTree project, 615, 621-622, 624-625, 626-627
QuickTreeFill project, 596-597, 598, 599-601, 603-605, 608-610, 611
QuickTreeTester project, 630, 631, 632-633, 634-637
reading and writing binary data to file, 383
reading and writing binary data to memory, 385, 386
ReadXMLFile method, 549-551
rectangle converter class, 231
Regx class, 520-524
screen size and resolution issues, 110-111
SDISample project, 129-134
SelectText program, 55-57
sending trace output to console form, 427
setting up ReadXML button with click event handler, 545-546
setting up trace listeners with constructor, 428-429
shared classes, 365-366
simple error throwing and catching, 432
Spy example, 197-198, 199
synchronizing conflicts with worker threads, 640
tabbing through controls, 28
terminal setup program, 15-19
text box controls in, 3
TextBox setup example, 25-27
Tracing project, 421-423, 424-425
Tree Test project, 579-580, 586-587, 589-590
Tree Tester project, 574-575
TreeView performance in, 573-577
Union project, 380, 381-382, 389-393
using VB commands in C# code, 200, 371
ValidateXML project, 555-556, 559, 560, 562-563, 569-570
validating passwords with regular expressions, 461-462
validation methods using regular expressions, 459-460
Vlad project, 496, 497, 498, 499, 501-503, 511-512
WriteXML project, 538-540
Visual Studio 6.0
events of Masked Edit control in, 465-467
getting Masked Edit control in, 462-463
validation errors with Masked Edit control in .NET, 465-472
Vlad project
adding locals region, 498-499
adding namespace references for, 496
adding RegxValidate class to, 515-524
class definitions for, 497
code region for Required property, 503-506
creating, 495-496
events added to, 499-502
instantiating hash tables in locals region, 506-509
overriding CanExtend property, 497-498
setting minimum and maximum value properties, 509-512
test project for NumberExtender control, 513-515
ToolTip control for, 502-503
uses of extender, 512

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