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namespace keyword, 795
namespace statement, 8
namespaces, 438
accessing with using statement, 438
fully qualified names, 438
global namespace, 444
programmer-defined, 441
Pet Store example, 442
narrative requirements specification, 311
narrowing conversion, 22
nesting objects compared to composition, 86
new keyword, 795
new operator, 151, 510
arrays, instantiating, 206
creating arrays, 206
creating collections, 203
no args constructors, 152
nodes, class hierarchies, 178
nonstatic attribute 282
notation, object modeling, 296
noun phrase analysis, 323
classes, testing if worthy of implementation, 330
eliminating references to system itself, 325
functional requirements, 331
grouping synonyms, 326
paraphrasing requirements, 324
null keyword, 795
null reference exception example, 605
NullReferenceException class, 459

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