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ICollection interface, 479
CopyTo method, 494
iterating through, 494
IDEs, 424
IDictionaryEnumerator interface, 733
iterating through elements of
Hashtable, 492
MoveNext method, 492
Reset method, 492
Key property, 492
Value property, 492
representing key-value pairs, 735
using with Hashtables, 492
IEnumerator interface
Current property, 491
GetEnumerator method, 565, 570
MoveNext method, 490
Reset method, 490
System.Collections namespace, 490
if keyword, 795
if statements, 24
if-else statements, 24
nesting, 26
IList interface
predefined interfaces, 270
classes, 331, 621
requirements, enforcing, 255
space features, 736
interfaces, 258
compared to extending abstract classes, 261
is a relationship, 260
implicit keyword, 795
implicit type conversions, 22
in keyword, 795
foreach loops, 496
increment operators, 18
proper use of, 43
indexer property
ArrayList class, 480
Hashtable class, 483-484
String class, 449
indexes and arrays, 207
IndexOf method
ArrayList class, 481
String class, 451
information hiding, 118
inheritance, 89, 168, 247, 517
accessibility of inherited components, 518
as way of describing properties of an object, 180
base classes, 177
reusing behaviors, 520
benefits of, 177
cascading changes, 181
case studies
derived class constructor does explicitly invoke a base class constructor, 528
derived class constructor does not explicitly invoke a base class constructor, 527
derived class declares no constructors of Its own, 525
collections of supertypes, 228
constructors, 522
implied invocations of base(), 524
multiple inheritance, 191
multiple overrides, 185
overloading methods, 188
overriding methods, 182, 520
relationship notations, mixing and matching, 366
specialization, 175
super keyword, 185
superclasses, 175
UML representation, 351
initializeObjects method
CollectionWrapper class, 626
instance icons, 397
instance variable, 282
instantiation, 76
abstract classes and, 252
arrays, 206
collections, 202
interfaces and, 267
objects, 80
reference variables, 80
instructors, recommendations for next steps, 763
int keyword, 795
int type, 12
Integrated Development Environments. See IDEs
interaction diagrams, 395
interface keyword, 795
interfaces, 256
as method headers, 257
implementing, 258, 264
importance of, 267
example 1, 268
example 2, 270
instantiation and, 267
predefined, 270
internal access modifier, 122
internal events, 391
internal keyword, 795
InvalidCastException class, 481
InvalidStudentIdException class, 462
IOException class, 459
Message property, 461
proper ordering of catch blocks, 459
System.IO namespace, 458, 507
is a relationship
See also inheritance
implementing interfaces, 260
is keyword, 795
IsCurrentlyEnrolledInSimilar method
Student class, 562
IsEnrolledIn method
Student class, 562
Items property
ListBox class, 705, 706

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