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Object class, 179
Equals method, 467, 468
GetHashCode method, 474
GetType method, 474, 537
ReferenceEquals method, 474
ToString method, 472, 473
System namespace, 466
object diagrams, 357
associations as attributes, 359
object identities
casting, 536
determining class object belongs to
GetType method, 537
typeof operator, 539
Professor object example, 534
object interactions, 91
collaboration, 91
object keyword, 795
object modeling, 62, 295
benefits of experience, 336
class diagrams, 343
data dictionaries, 336
difficulty of, 332
dynamic models, 384
flexibility, 333
functional requirements, 331
goal of, 295
identifying appropriate classes, 322
metadata, 379
methodology, 296
modeling process, 300
requirements for developing, 64
reusing, 413
scenarios, 391
sequence diagrams, 395
setting up environment, 783
Path variable, 785
tips, 784
troubleshooting, 787
testing, 409
tools, 301
object serialization, approaches to, 653
object-oriented programming. See OOP
objects, 69
abstraction, 55
accessing, 113
features from methods, 122
as attributes, 84
as clients, 116
as context for method invocation, 103
as servers, 116
attributes, 70
accessing, 111
behavioral relationships, 159
changing state, 387
classes, 74
collections, 201
compared to classes, 77
conceptual, 70
constructors, 151, 510
creating, 151
data, 70
delegation, 112
deletion and garbage collection, 539
directing event toward another object, 388
encapsulation, 78, 142
events, 91
handles, 87
ignoring events, 390
implementing several interfaces, 264
information hiding, 118
inheritance, 168
instantiation, 76, 80
interaction between, 113
interactions and state, 386
language neutral, 3
links, 160
methods, 72
declarations, 93
dot notation, 102
multiple inheritance, 191
nesting compared to composition, 86
operations, 73
physical, 69
polymorphism, 239
populating arrays with, 209
publicizing features, 124
reacting with system boundaries, 390
reference variables, 80
relationship with containers and components, 670
returning a value, 389
self-referencing with this keyword, 508
services, 74
states, 70
static attributes, 271
static methods, 277
static properties, 275
structural relationships, 159
visibility, 118
exceptions to rules pertaining to, 138
objects identities, 533
Obsolete attribute, 541
Odell, James, 297
OMT notation, 348
one-dimensional arrays. See arrays
one-to-many (1 to m) multiplicity, 163
one-to-many association
Professor class, 566
Section class, 572
SRS class diagram, 550
UML notation, 371
one-to-one (1 to 1) multiplicity, 162
one-to-one association
SRS class diagram, 550
OO modeling tool, accessing, 783
OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), 6
distinguishing features, 247
creation of user-defined types, 247
inheritance, 247
polymorphism, 248
features of OOP languages, 89
inheritance, 173
interfaces, 266
modeling, 321
polymorphism, 237
operations, 73
operator keyword, 795
ordered lists collection, 216
ArrayList class, 224
out keyword, 795
overloading, 188
constructors, 511
override keyword, 254, 796
overriding, 182
abstract methods, 253
base class methods, 520
inherited methods, 223
multiple overrides, 185

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