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abstract classes, 248
inheritance, 555
instantiation and, 252
overriding abstract methods, 253
Person class, 551
SRS class diagram, 550
UML notation of, 344
abstract keyword, 251, 258, 551, 793
abstract methods, 250
abstraction, 55
classification, 57
generalization through, 56
hierarchies, 58
in software development, 61
inherent challenges, 63
reuse of, 62
simplification through, 55
access modifier keywords, 118
access modifiers, 118, 119
accessing class features from methods, 122
accessing properties from client code, 136
Camel casing, 125
exceptions to public/private rule, 138
inherited components, 518
method headers, 126
modifiers and inheritance, 518
Pascal casing, 125
persistence of attribute values, 137
properties, 133
publicizing features, 124
use of properties, 128
accessor methods, 127
approaches, 127
data integrity, ensuring, 143
encapsulation, 142
get/set methods, 129
declaring, 131
utilizing from client code, 132
preventing unauthorized access to data, 142
properties, 133
actors, use case modeling, 310
matching uses cases with, 316
roles, 312
Add method
ArrayList class, 481
Controls.ControlCollection class, 700
Hashtable class, 485
ListBox.ObjectCollections class, 705
AddButtonClicked method
MainForm class, 751
AddCourse method
CourseCatalog class, 632
addition operator (+), 40
AddSection method
ScheduleOfClasses class, 587
Student class, 562
aggregate classes, 167
aggregation, 167
relationship notations, mixing and matching, 366
SRS class diagram, 550
UML notation, 349
using associations instead of, 350
AgreeToTeach method
Professor class, 566
analysis paralysis, 305
ancestor classes, class hierarchies, 178
anonymous objects, 358
application architecture
GUIs, creating with two classes, 693
Application class
Run method, 688
System.Windows.Forms namespace, 688
architecture of applications, GUIs, 693
arguments, 102
overloading methods, 188
passing into methods, 95
signatures, 108
arithmetic statements, 17
Array class
copying contents of ICollections into, 494
fixed-size, 474
methods, 475
Clear method, 476
GetLength method, 478
GetValue method, 477
Length property, 475
Reverse method, 476
SetValue method, 477
Sort method, 476
rigidity of, 556
System namespace, 206, 474
ArrayList class
can grow in size, 556
casting, 486
extending, 222
instantiating, 478
iterating through with foreach loop, 497
Add method, 481
Clear method, 482
Contains method, 482, 556
GetEnumerator method, 481, 490
IndexOf method, 481
Remove method, 482, 562
RemoveAt method, 482
SetRange method, 481
Sort method, 482
ToArray method, 482
ordered list collection, 224
predefined collection types, 202
Capacity property, 480
Count property, 480
indexer property, 480
stepping through with for loop, 489
System.Collections namespace, 222, 474, 478
accessing array elements, 207
as collections, 205
declaring, 206
further considerations, 212
indexes, 207
initializing array contents, 208
instantiating, 206
iterating through, 211
limitations of, 215
manipulating, 209
multidimensional arrays, 212
new operator, 206
referring to objects in, 210
as keyword, 793
ASCII files
initializing collections with data from, 621
assignment statements, 17
compounds for arithmetic operations, 17
association classes, 333
attributes, folding into, 371
can act as normal classes, 371
Section class, 572
SRS class diagram, 550
UML notation, 369
associations, 160
aggregation, 167
and information flow, 361
as attributes, 359
bi-directional, 567
binary, 161
determining, 338
exclusive or situations, 373
graphical representation of, 347
matrices, 340
multiplicity, 162
reflexive, 161
relationship notations, mixing and matching, 366
roles, 162
ternary, 161
attends association
alternate form, 375
Student Registration System example, 370
Attribute class
reference types deriving from, 541
System namespace, 541
from within class's own methods, 148
via dot notation, 111
associations as, 359
Attribute class, 541
C# terminology, 423
defining objects, 70
encapsulation, 142
exceptions to visibility rules, 138
identifying, 343
objects as, 84
persistence of values, 137
predefined, 541
representing in UML, 344
static, 271
usually declared as private, 124
visibility, 118
AutoSize property
Label class, 698
TextBox class, 702-703

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