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Main method, 10, 594
command-line arguments, 502
for individual classes, 636
simplifying, 653
SRS driver class, 426
static, 501
variants, 500
MainForm class
adding to SRS, 732
changes to, 741
AddButtonClicked method, 751
DropButtonClicked method, 753
GetCourseTotal method, 739
GetSectionsEnrolled method, 739
housekeeping methods, 757
LogOffButtonButtonClicked method, 755
RegisteredSelectionChanged method, 756
SaveButtonClicked method, 754
ScheduleSelectionChanged method, 756
SsnTextBoxKeyUp method, 747
managers, recommendations for next steps, 763
many-to-many (m to m) multiplicity, 164
many-to-many association
Section class, 572
SRS class diagram, 550
UML notation, 370
Martin, James, 297
Math class
Sqrt method, 207
static methods, 283
Mellor, Stephen, 297
members, 76
C# terminology, 423
memory allocation
handles, 88
memory leaks, 539
Message property
Exception class, 462
IOException class, 461
MessageBox class
building GUIs, 686
creating modal message dialog boxes, 712
Show method, 712
chaining, 529
passing, 102
sequence diagrams, 397
metadata, 379
SRS class diagram, 550
method chaining, 560
method declarations, 93
arguments, passing, 95
headers, 94
implementing business logic, 98
method bodies, 97
naming, 101
return statement, 99
return types, 96
collections as method, 97
method headers
accessibility, 126
as interfaces, 257
declaring methods, 94
method hiding, 530
and polymorphism, 531
considerations, 532
method invocation
arguments and parameters, 102
C# expressions, 105
capturing return values, 106
delegation, 112
dot notation, 102
accessing attributes, 111
as clients and servers, 116
as context, 103
passing messages between objects, 109
signatures, 107
method signatures, 107
exceptions to rules pertaining to visibility, 138
usually declared as public, 124
visibility, 118
methods, 10, 72
abstract, 250
accessing class features from, 122
accessor, 127
attributes, accessing from within class's own methods, 148
C# terminology, 423
collections as method return types, 227
concrete, 252
constructors, 151
determining with sequence diagrams, 401
get/set methods, 127
handles, returning, 97
implementing interfaces, 256
message chaining, 529
message passing, 102
method hiding, 530
modifier, 127
multiple overrides, 185
naming conventions, 402
overloading, 188
overriding, 182, 520
abstract methods, 253
nonabstract methods, 533
polymorphism, 239
private, when to declare as, 139
representing in UML, 344
unauthorized access to data, preventing, 142
Meyer, Bertrand, 297
Microsoft Intermediate Language. See MSIL
MinimumSize property
Form class, 701
modal message dialog boxes, 712
modeling, 62
and information flow, 361
as attributes, 359
benefits of experience, 336
class diagrams, 343
data dictionaries, 336
difficulty of, 332
dynamic models, 384
flexibility, 333
functional requirements, 331
identifying appropriate classes, 322
inherent challenges, 63
metadata, 379
object diagrams, 357
reusing models, 413
scenarios, 391
sequence diagrams, 395
testing, 409
transforming into C# code, 547
models, MVC, 672
separating from view, 731
modifier methods, 127
data integrity, ensuring, 143
encapsulation, 142
unauthorized access to data, preventing, 142
MouseDown event
Button class, 723
MouseUp event
Button class, 723
MoveNext method
IDictionaryEnumerator interface, 492
IEnumerator interface, 490
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), 436
multicast delegates, 722
event delegates, 723
multiclass applications
compiling, 428
multidimensional arrays
jagged arrays, 213
rectangular arrays, 212
syntax for declaring, 214
multiple inheritance, 191
links, 164
many-to-many (m to m), 164
one-to-many (1 to m), 163
one-to-one (1 to1), 162
UML notations, 353
multiplicity designators, UML, 347
multiplicity, 162
MVC paradigm, 672
separating model from view, 731

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