Team LiB
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teaching approaches, 771
recommendations, 773
suitability of C# as teaching language, 772
Student Registration System example, 623
technical requirements, 67
use case modeling, 308
terminal classes, 178
ternary associations, 161
testing, 593
drivers, 636
testing models, 409
Text property
Button class, 708
Form class, 688
Label class, 697
ssnTextBox class, 748
TextBox class
building GUIs, 685
GUI classes, 702
AutoSize property, 702-703
Left property, 702, 703
PasswordChar property, 714
ReadOnly property, 702-703
Top property, 702
Width property, 702-703
TextWriter class
WriteLine method, 618
this keyword, 796
reusing constructor code, 515
self-referencing, 508
this() syntax
implied invocations, 524
reusing constructor code, 516
throw keyword, 797
ToArray method
ArrayList class, 482
ToDouble method
Convert class, 633
ToLower method
String class, 452
tools, object modeling, 296
Top property
Button class, 708-709
Control class, 698
Label class, 698-699
TextBox class, 702
ToString method
Object class, 472
Person class, 553
Section class, 705
Student class, 561
ToUpper method
String class, 452
tracing exceptions, 607
Transcript class, 111, 114
fields, 592
VerifyCompletion method, 592
TranscriptEntry class, 374
constructor, 589
fields, 588
PassingGrade method, 590
Student Registration System example, 578
ValidateGrade method, 590
transient data, 331
Trim method
String class, 757
true keyword, 797
try blocks, 453
try—catch blocks, 627
try keyword, 797
try statements
nesting, 460
typeof keyword, 797
typeof operator
determing class that object belongs to, 537, 539

Team LiB
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