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SaveButtonClicked method
MainForm class, 754
sbyte keyword, 796
scaffolds running, 636
scenarios, 391
interactions between user and system, 396
use case modeling, 391
ScheduleOfClasses class, 586
fields, 587
AddSection method, 587
FindSection method, 642
GetSortedSections method, 733
ParseData method, 640
ParseData2 method, 642
revamping, 640
Student Registration System example, 395, 626
ScheduleSection method
Course class, 570
ScheduleSelectionChanged method
MainForm class, 756
Schlaer, Sally, 297
scope, 38
scope of system, requirements analysis, 312
screens, printing to, 39, 507
SDK (software development kit ), 548
downloading, 424, 783
features and tools, 784
sealed keyword, 796
Section class, 572
fields, 572
public const fields, 573
ConfirmSeatAvailability method, 580
Drop method, 578
Enroll method, 573, 741
GetInstructor method, 583
GetRepresentedCourse method, 583
PostGrade method, 578
ToString method, 705
redesigning, 740
relationships, 572
SelectedIndexChanged event
ListBox class, 746
this keyword, 508
separating the model from the view, 672
sequence diagrams, 395
determining methods, 401
determining objects and actors for scenario, 395
focus of control bars, 398
instance icons, 397
lifelines, 397
messages, 397
responses, 397
scenario example, 398
SerializableAttribute class, 541
serialized object, 613
servers, objects as, 116
services, object operations, 74
set accessors, 423
set methods
See also get/set methods
Person class, 553
Student class, 558
setDateApproved method
Student Registration System example, 412
SetRange method
ArrayList class, 481
sets, collections, 218
SetValue method
Array class, 477
short keyword, 796
short type, 12
Show method
MessageBox class, 712
ShowDialog method
passwordDialog class, 749
siblings, 178
signatures. See method signatures
simple names, classes, 438
simplification through abstraction, 55
single line comments (//), 9
SizeChanged event
Button class, 723
sizeof keyword, 796
Student Registration System example, 622
software developers, recommendations for next steps, 763
software development
abstraction, 61
RUP, 298
software objects, defining, 70
solution space classes. See implementation classes
solution space features, 736
Sort method
Array class, 476
ArrayList class, 482
sorted ordered lists, 217
source code
downloading and compiling, 791
files for classes, 425
specialization, inheritance, 175
specializing subclasses, 181
Split method
String class, 633
Sqrt method
Math class, 207
SRS class, 639, 653
main method, 426, 626
streamlining, 742
SRS.class file, 636
ssnTextBox class
Text property, 748
SsnTextBoxKeyUp method
MainForm class, 747
stackalloc keyword, 796
StartPosition property
Form class, 691
StartsWith method
String class, 450
state retrieval methods, 714
behavior affects, 384
defining objects, 70
events can change, 387
persisting, 644, 651
static attributes, 271
representing in UML, 345
terminology, 282
static features, 271
attributes, 271
methods, 277
properties, 275
static fields
SRS class diagram, 550
static keyword, 272, 796
static methods, 277
restrictions on, 279
SRS class diagram, 550
utility classes, 283
static models, 321
static properties, 275
static variable
as preferred term, 282
storyboarding, 677
StreamReader class, 615
ReadLine method, 615, 617, 628
System.IO namespace, 615
StreamWriter class, 618
System.IO namespace, 618
Write method, 618
WriteLine method, 618
String class
creating instances, 447
Length property, 449
methods, 450
EndsWith method, 450
indexer property, 449
IndexOf method, 451
Replace method, 451
Split method, 633
StartsWith method, 450
Substring method, 451
ToLower method, 452
ToUpper method, 452
Trim method, 757
string keyword as alias, 445
System namespace, 445, 633
using statement, 446
string keyword, 796
alias for String class, 445
strings, 15
@ character, 448
as objects, 445
operators, 449
strongly typed language, 11
struct keyword, 796
structs, encapsulation, 78
structural relationships, 159
associations, 160
links, 160
Student class, 555, 644
constructors, 557, 644
constructor example, 510
multiple constructors, 512
delegation, 580
fields, 556
studentId field, 463
AddSection method, 562
CalculateGPA method, 486
Display method, 559
displayCourseSchedule method, 561
DropSection method, 562
GetEnrolledSections method, 565
get/set methods, 558
IsCurrentlyEnrolledInSimilar method, 562
IsEnrolledIn method, 562
ParseData method, 650
ParseData2 method, 650
Persist method, 655, 754
PrintDescription method, 530
PrintTranscript method, 560
StudentSuccessfullyInitialized method, 649, 748
ToString method, 561
ValidatePassword method, 739
data, 623
state, 651
retrofitting attributes, 736
reusing base class behaviors, 522
Student Registration System example
abstract classes, 248
breaking spell of, 255
instantiation, 253
adding file persistence, 611
association matrices, 340
associations, 160, 338
attends association, 370
attributes, 343
class diagram, 372, 548
features embodied, 550
revised, 405
classes, 74
determining associations between, 338
naming, 327
relationships between, 347
testing if worthy of implementation, 330
collections, 202
as method return types, 227
casting, 486
populating, 620
CollectionWrapper class, 625
initializeObjects method, 626
compiling, 600
composition, 86
Course class, 568
GetPrerequisites method, 570
GetRegisteredStudents method, 227
HasPrerequisites method, 569
modifications, 643
ScheduleSection method, 570
CourseCatalog class, 626, 630
AddCourse method, 632
constructor, 631
Display method, 631
FindCourse method, 634
ParseData method, 632
ParseData2 method, 634
CourseCatalog.dat, 621
data dictionary, 336
revised, 377
delegation, 580
downloading and compiling source code, 791
driver program, 593
dynamic model, 384
email messages, 332
EnrollmentCollection, 223
events, 92
exception handling, 456
InvalidStudentIdException class, 462
Student class, 463
user-defined exceptions, 462
Faculty class, 626, 638
ParseData2 method, 638
testing, 639
faculty.dat, 622
file persistence
modifications made to achieve, 663
GradeReceived object, 376
AddButtonClicked method, 751
adding Button objects, 709
adding event handling, 745
adding ListBox objects, 706
adding TextBox objects to, 702
attributes, retrofitting to Student class, 736
changes to MainForm class, 741
classes modified, 732
completed view, 716
components, 668
concept of operations document, 677
creating ListBoxes, 704
creating look of, 685
DropButtonClicked method, 753
housekeeping methods, 757
hyperthetical scenario, 678
LogOffButtonButtonClicked method, 755
modal message dialog boxes, 712
PasswordKeyUp method, 757
passwords, validating, 739
redesigning Section class, 740
RegisteredSelectionChanged method, 756
SaveButtonClicked method, 754
ScheduleOfClasses class, 733
ScheduleSelectionChanged method, 756
SRS Driver class, streamlined, 742
ssnTextBox object, 746
SsnTextBoxKeyUp method, 747
views, 675
hyperthetical scenario
dropping courses, 683
enrolling, 680
logging in, 679
logging off, 684
inheritance, 168
interfaces, 257
implementing, 258
is a relationship, 260
keys, 219
main method, 594
methods, 72
multiple interfaces, 264
multiplicity, UML notations, 353
accessing classes, 440
global namespace, 445
object diagrams, 357
object interaction, 113
object model
pattern reuse, 413
testing, 410
object nesting, 84, 87
objects, 69
Person class, 551
constructors, 552
Display method, 554
fields, 552
get/set methods, 553
ToString method, 553
PlanOfStudy class, 412
setDateApproved method
polymorphism, 239
Prerequisites.dat, 622
Professor class, 85, 565
AgreeToTeach method, 566
fields, 566
Register for a Course use case, 391
requirements specification
noun phrase analysis, 323
verb phrases, 338
running, 636
scenarios, 391
ScheduleOfClasses class, 395, 586-587, 626
AddSection method, 587
FindSection method, 642
ParseData method, 640
ParseData2 method, 642
revamping, 640
Section class, 572
ConfirmSeatAvailability method, 580
Drop method, 578
Enroll method, 573
fields, 572
GetInstructor method, 583
GetRepresentedCourse method, 583
PostGrade method, 578
public const fields, 573
setDateApproved method
PlanOfStudy class, 412
sets, 219
SoC_SP2001.dat, 622
source code files, 425, 548
SRS class, 653
static attributes, 271
static methods, 277
static properties, 275
Student class, 74, 555
AddSection method, 562
attributes, 85
constructors, 557, 644
data structure completed, 233
data structure proposed, 230
Display method, 559
DropSection method, 562
fields, 556
get/set methods, 558
GetEnrolledSections method, 565
IsCurrentlyEnrolledInSimilar method, 562
IsEnrolledIn method, 562
ParseData method, 650
ParseData2 method, 650
persisting state, 651
PrintTranscript method, 560
retrofitting attributes, 736
StudentSuccessfullyInitialized method, 649
ToString method, 561
student data, persisting, 623
TeachingAssignments.dat, 623
Transcript class, 111, 114, 374
fields, 592
VerifyCompletion method, 592
TranscriptEntry class, 374, 578, 588
constructor, 589
fields, 588
PassingGrade method, 590
ValidateGrade method, 590
UML model
developing from, 421
use case modeling, 311
use cases, 315
case candidate class lists, 335
revisiting, 334
visibility, 118
waitlisted for association, 374
studentId field
Student class, 463
StudentSuccessfullyInitialized method
Student class, 649, 748
of abstract classes, 254
deriving, 181
specializing, 181
Substring method
String class, 451
subtrees, 58
super keyword, 185
superclasses, generalization, 175
supertypes, collections of, 228
switch keyword, 796
switch statements, 27
break statements, 29
System namespace
Array class, 206, 474
Attribute class, 541
classes used in SRS, 441
Console class, 283, 551
Convert class, 633
Exception class, 458
Object class, 466
String class, 445, 633
System.Collections namespace
ArrayList class, 222, 474, 478
classes used in SRS, 441
Hashtable class, 474, 483
IEnumerator interface, 490
System.Data namespace
persisting data, 613
System.Data.Odbc namespace
persisting data, 613
System.Data.OleDb namespace
persisting data, 613
System.Drawing namespace
classes used in SRS, 441
Font class, 697
GUI classes, 667
support classes, 671
System.IO namespace
classes used in SRS, 441
FileNotFoundException class, 458
FileStream class, 615
IOException class, 458, 507
StreamReader class, 615
StreamWriter class, 618
System.Windows.Forms namespace, 671
Application class, 688
classes used in SRS, 441
delegate types, 671
Form class, 671
GUI classes, 667, 671
systems analysts, recommendations for next steps, 763

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