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IEnumerable interface, 661
If statement, 140
IHoleDetails collection, 4
immutable classes, 446
information flow between screens, 65-67
inline schema, 558
input fields
cutting and pasting into, 50-51
tabbing through, 27
InputValidator code, 30-32, 33
instrumenting code, 417-418
internationalization and localization, 153-159
advantages and disadvantages of loose resources, 188
binary resource files, 163-164
calendars, 167, 172
changing culture, 168-169
determining language sort order, 172-173
displaying dates and time, 170-171
externalizing resources, 159-160
fallback method for locating resources, 164-165
Globalization namespace, 166-168
identifying culture for, 155
Language and Localizable properties, 156
localized versions of car mileage expense report form, 187
localizing forms for, 155-159
retrieving resources, 165-166
string growth when translated, 154-155
text resource files, 160
XML resource files, 160-163
Interop services namespace, 388-389
Inventory class of QuickTreeFill project, 594-597
Inventory table of DB_Grid project, 344, 345
Invoke method, defined, 613
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards for language and country, 155

Team LiB
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