Default Tools Toolbar

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The Default Tools toolbar provides quick access to the following functions (in order):

·New project [Ctrl]+[N]
·Open a project [Ctrl]+[O]
·Save current diagram [Ctrl]+[S]
·Copy to Enterprise Architect clipboard [Ctrl]+[Space]
·Paste from Enterprise Architect clipboard as instance [Shift]+[Insert]
·Undo last action [Ctrl]+[Z]
·Redo last undone action [Ctrl]+[Y]
·Print Preview (for generated documents and diagrams)
·Page setup
·Print [Ctrl]+[O]
·Show Element List for currently-selected package or diagram
·Open Model Search [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[R]
·Select the layout of docked windows, toolbars and the Enterprise Architect UML Toolbox (<default> is Enterprise Architect, other options display for any MDG Technologies you have enabled)
·Help [F1].

You can move this toolbar to any dockable position and it retains that position in subsequent sessions. You can hide or show the toolbar from the View | Toolbars menu option.

See Also