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Label control, 3
language code, 155
Language property for form, 156
lazy quantifier (?) in regular expressions, 449, 451-452
LCID (locale identifier), 155
ListBox control
adding flags in PictureBox from, 228-229
linking DataSource property to internal array, 219-222
uses for screens with images and, 230
setting up with constructor, 428-429
turning off for performance, 418
ListView control. See also ListViewSwap project; MovieList project
about, 36-37
adding delegate code for Photo project methods, 302-305
declaring as internal variable, 73
manipulating data with, 256
presenting data in, 257-264
showing Golf project tee distances in, 646
swapping ListView lists, 258, 263-264
using TreeView control with, 291-292
ListViewSorter class, 287-290, 294-296
ListViewSwap project, 258-264
constructor for, 262-263
creating simple form for, 258
local variables added in, 261-262
LvItems collection class, 260-261
swapping ListView lists, 258, 263-264
load event for DB_data project, 330-331
Localizable property for forms, 156
Logging project, 407-417
click event code for, 414-415
EventLogger class added to, 408-413
Form_Load and button click event handlers for, 415-416
registry entry for event logger source, 413-414
setting up forms and controls for, 407-408
viewing, 416-417
login form, 408
loose resources, 188, 192
LvItems collection class, 259-261

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